View Full Version : Hand cramp and bulbar ALS worries

25-07-23, 11:24
So here again and very worried..

had a multitude of issues since feb from twitching muscles become widespread, muscle jerks and thigh cramp .. been to see neurologist last week who did neuro and confirmed he didn’t think this was neuromuscular disease or MND related. He did say he thinks it is health anxiety due to oversenstised nervous system. He also advised if I wanted to have a EMG I can do but that was my choice to reassure me.. I have opted for this but not hand any confirmed appointment of this…

however end of last week, I have the sensation of when after eating food is getting stuck at back of throat.. feels like a ball of catahh at back of throat but also when bend over I get a pain in base of neck. I can eat but it’s after I eat and it feels like something is stuck at back of throat… I have a burnt sensation at top of tongue and I do feel that my tongue is not right, like working harder but not sure if this is all mind related and becoming super focused on this now… I have drs tomorrow but things just don’t seem to be letting up even though confirmed by neurologist is health anxiety but gettting more and more symptoms…

Yesterday started yesterday and today achy crampy in right hand with no possible cause. I am also getting pain at elbow joint not sure if this is related..

this is getting very scary now and can’t seem to focus on anything other than these symptoms..

if anyone has any advice or experienced similar.. advice please??

25-07-23, 11:29
What are you doing to manage your anxiety?

25-07-23, 11:31
I’m reading a self help book on health anxiety and believe you me all the things in their point to what I do…
neuro dr also adviced medication but haven’t had this prescribed as yet…

25-07-23, 11:57
So, what specific steps are you taking to bring things back under control?

25-07-23, 12:38
Not seen anyone specifically about the health anxiety so maybe I’ve not started getting under control. I think it’s because I try to get it under control then new symptom arises that put me back to square one… the feeling like something is stuck after eating and now hand cramp sensation when I’ve done nothing to warrant this now gives me even more worry again! Just can’t seem to get out of it!!!

25-07-23, 12:40
For what it's worth, there are plenty of really useful resources here. I know it's tough, but when a thought comes up about ALS you need to acknowledge it as just a thought and then return to what you were doing.

25-07-23, 13:14
Thank you for advice, I think my issue is since I started googling symptoms I have seen so much on ALS / MND symptoms that any symptom I am getting I am linking it to this as the cause. I just haven’t had these symptoms before so it’s not something experienced and I just think it was the symptoms that started me off on this path not anxiety… can anxiety cause these symptoms as I am just too far down the rabbit hole to think it can…

25-07-23, 13:17
Try to think of them as sensations rather than symptoms? Anxiety can cause all manner of odd feelings, and I've had feelings of being unable to swallow for months at a time in the past.

25-07-23, 13:38
Thanks for your advice, it really helps that I’m not the only one who has had things like this

25-07-23, 15:17
ALS worries is what sent me down an anxiety spiral for the past 9 years. I've long moved on from it to other worries, but it's what started it. Don't be like me!
I woke up one morning with muscle twitches all over my body. I googled it, and literally the first 3 pages were all related to ALS. I was convinced I would be dead in 5 years time.
After months, I eventually went to my GP and she said: I wish you would've come to me sooner. I could've told you this is all anxiety. But it was already too late at that point. I had gone into a spiral, and from ALS moved on to heart, cancer, not being able to breathe, EVERYTHING!!!
Muscle related issues, trouble swallowing food, cramps: they are so common with anxiety. SO common! It's very rare that any of these would be ALS. As much as you hear about it, ALS is still very rare! And often shows up in ex athletes, who have bumped a lot of balls with their heads!

You say you've done nothing to warrant these feelings. But trust me, you have! Your anxiety levels are high. You may think you feel calm, I've thought that many times over the years, but it takes absolutely nothing to get a new symptom and then you're off again for a few months. Treat your anxiety, and you'll treat these symptoms.

14-08-23, 15:45
Thanks sparklingfairy for advice, it’s strange because I don’t feel as stressed as I was but still got strange symptoms ��*♀️

14-08-23, 17:10
ALS started my health anxiety spiral as well, 11 years ago. Damn you Google.

14-08-23, 18:29
Hypo84 mine too!! If I’d never read about thigh muscle pulsing and twitching I don’t think I’d be down this hole now! Or probably would as it would be something else! Damn you internet and Google!!’n

30-08-23, 13:27
So having bad day today, constant muscle twitches above right knee and in right thigh. My twitches had reduced and were only getting them when rested but today it’s like my full right thigh is moving and you can see them… I was getting in control of anxiety but today this doesn’t feel right.

im waiting for results of EMG and nerve tests so worried about them but been trying to put them to one side, now with this today it’s all I can think about.

Had right hand cramp for a while now and throat feels like food is stuck at back when swallowing. All this with the constant twitching today
I feel like I have more symptoms that point towards MND / ALS. Very scared again! Don’t know where to turn or think today! Was worried about posting again but need some help!

30-08-23, 16:25

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

30-08-23, 16:32
Thanks Nicola, sorry didn’t realise on this.

30-08-23, 20:42
No worries

31-08-23, 12:58
I too am twitching constantly - all over, all the time… and i also worry about bulbar symptoms and am forever monitoring my voice for signs of slurring. Ive been like this, on and off, for YEARS. When i first had these worries someone on here said this is a long and darl rabbit hole and boy they were right!!! Try try try and try again to believe your neurologist. Good luck x

31-08-23, 17:13
thanks jojo2316, this has got to be worst ever part of my life! Ive had the health scare of MS 10 years ago but oh my god, this rabbit hole is never ending! You’re right this is a long and dark rabbit hole! It’s every day something sets me off but the twitching is the scariest! I do need to focus on believing the neurologist but soooooo difficult!!!!

I too am twitching constantly - all over, all the time… and i also worry about bulbar symptoms and am forever monitoring my voice for signs of slurring. Ive been like this, on and off, for YEARS. When i first had these worries someone on here said this is a long and darl rabbit hole and boy they were right!!! Try try try and try again to believe your neurologist. Good luck x

09-09-23, 08:38
Update - got my nerve conduction study and needle EMG test results and both come back normal.
this brings so much relief but realisation that anxiety has caused a whole heap of issues. This period has been one of the worst periods of my life with constant worrying and obsession with symptoms (twitching still present but hey ho!)..I’m going to now focus on getting better, I’m going for CBT therapy as I know I need help. Will report back in a few months time. I just want to thank anyone who commented on my post as your advice and guidance has helped me look at things differently had I not been on this forum. The mind is powerful and dangerous but I’ve wasted time worrying when I should have been enjoying life! My advice to anyone is DONT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS and listen and believe your drs! Don’t think you know best!

10-09-23, 12:00
VR007 that’s fantastic news 😀 thank you for sharing with us . I have been twitching for 5 years now and I must admit I still let it get into my head and panic me . It’s crazy what the mind can do and how anxiety takes over . Hopefully you can put this all behind you now and enjoy your life . Hoping I can do the same soon! I still have my moments of fear and irrational thinking everytime I twitch .