View Full Version : SO anxious about my gum!

27-07-23, 18:24
As a long term health anxiety sufferer, I know all the ways to help calm my fears - but despite this, I'm still prone to setbacks, and right now I'm struggling.
A couple of weeks ago I think I must have scratched my gum on a sharp crisp. The following morning my gum was very swollen and sore. I rinsed my mouth with salt water three times a day, and used Iglu.
I was away for a few days at the time, but I already had a dentist appointment booked for a couple of days after we got back, by which time my gum had been swollen for around 10 days. The appointment was to fit a new crown, so I asked my dentist to check my gum at the same time. He said it should improve, but if it hasn't healed by the Friday (this was the Monday) I should phone the surgery and he would prescribe antibiotics. He said he wouldn't need to see me again, he would just leave my prescription at the reception. This is what I did after it hadn't healed by then.
Five days of 500g amoxicillin improved my gum significantly, but I still feel as if the gum is still slightly swollen. My husband is very familiar with my anxiety, and he's wonderfully supportive. I asked him to check my mouth yesterday and he said it was looking a lot better. There is still a whitish line where my gum skin was broken, but he said it looked healthy. Today I feel like it's more swollen, I had a look and thought it was red again, but he said it wasn't. He said that if my dentist (who is wonderful by the way) had been at all concerned he wouldn't have said he didn't need to see me again. My son is getting married the day after tomorrow, and I don't want my anxiety goblin to be on the guest list! I am so looking forward to the wedding, and yet I find myself feeling so anxious about my gum. Any reassurance would be so welcome! Thank you so much in advance! Hugs to all. Xxx

27-07-23, 18:41
I have had something similar before where it got scratched during a filling and also had to have antibiotics. Also my gums often get swollen where my wisdom teeth are coming through, it’s really easy to irritate parts of you mouth so that’s probably why it’s a bit more swollen today, it’s just been irritated a bit some how. If it’s generally getting better then I don’t see a need to worry.

31-07-23, 09:41
Thanks KitKat99, apologies for the delay in replying. I've been trying to fend off my anxiety the past few days because my son got married on Saturday and I didn't want it to spoil the weekend. Thankfully I was able to deal with it and put it to the back of my mind, but we're heading home today and my anxiety has spiralled again. My gum is definitely less swollen now, but there are some marks along my gum which look like they might possibly be scarring, but of course my anxiety is trying to convince me it's something much, much worse...has anyone else had anything like this? I'm so worried.

07-08-23, 10:57
Just adding this update because I know how frustrating it is when people don't let you know the outcome.
Turns out I had a tooth abscess. I had an emergency appointment this morning and the tooth was removed. I've had tooth abscess in the past but this presented itself as a cluster of ulcers on red swollen gum, whereas in the past I've had fistulas - pus filled pimple like swellings which have popped and refilled. I've also had very painful abscesses which have required tooth extraction, but the painless ones have been on teeth which have been root treated in the past. Anyway, the relief that it's not anything sinister is overwhelming. Just thought I'd let you all know in case anyone has anything similar and is worried. Big hugs to all.