View Full Version : Constant tingling in legs with big bruise

28-07-23, 04:37

I'll try to keep this short. I had a cerebral angiogram 2-3 days ago (where they send a catheter into your brain to take photos).

They ordered one for me because they thought I had a unruptured brain aneurysm but turns out I don't have one at all.

However, since the procedure i've noticed my left leg has been going tingly (pins and needles feeling) almost all day. Now today my right leg is also getting the same sensation. (They put the catheter on my right groin area).

I've now noticed I've gotten a big bruise right under where they made the incision. It's a few inches big and blue and black. Doesn't hurt to touch but it's a bit swollen.

I'm scared that I might have a stroke and or I might have a blood clot that fell off and is going to get me. I talked to doctor and nurse (even went to ER the night after due to the tingling). They said they'd get me a ct or mri scan if I wanted but all of them including a nuero opted against it as they were all confident it'd come up negative.

The symptoms have only gotten worse and I'm scared something bad could happen. Has anyone had a similar experience or know someone with one?

Would be grateful to hear all your thoughts.