View Full Version : Not in a good place.

28-07-23, 23:41
My anxiety is at all new high. Having to go in for my breast biopsy is sending down a very dark hole. I have bouts of extreme anger (about my boobs and all the cysts that I’ve always had), sadness (like I’m already dying and leaving my children) and total confusion on if I should even take this new dream job I just got, because in case I have cancer, how will I take care of my health when I’m teaching full time. I’m at such a loss, I hate this so much and I know there is nothing to be done. I have fibrocystic breast disease and have had issues with cysts since I was 22 (41 now), never have I ever had to have a biopsy. I can’t believe my worst nightmare is coming true. Please I just need someone on here that has gone through the same, I really don’t know what to do.

31-07-23, 15:02
Today I go in for my biopsy. I’m terrified. Positive thoughts.

31-07-23, 15:23
Today I go in for my biopsy. I’m terrified. Positive thoughts.

I'm thinking of you!! You'll get through this. I suspect the new job is also causing some underlying anxiety - I always have spikes in anxiety around big changes. The anxiety doesn't land on the actual change, it just finds other places (like my health) to gravitate to! You'll get through this and you'll be great at the new job!!

31-07-23, 17:34
Thank you so much for responding! Thank you for the positive thoughts too! I can’t stop crying, anytime I’m alone I cry. My husband thinks I’m insane and tells me this is nothing because I have always had issues with my breasts, but I can’t help thinking this time it’s different. But maybe ErinKC you’re right, I could have major anxiety about my new job starting next week and I’m hyper focusing my anxiety to my health.

01-08-23, 19:30
I went to the biopsy yesterday. Radiologist told me I’m in between a catagory 4A and 4B. He said it’s very small. I know the statistics are in my favor but I’m still doubting it all. I have even started to make plans in my head for cancer treatments and when I could take off work. Then I have these small parts in my day when I feel great and I know I’m fine. Then my anxiety spirals me back down the black hole. The doctors are supposed to call me today to schedule an appointment to go over my results, benign or not this is their procedure. I hate it. I hate all of this, I hate the unknown.

02-08-23, 15:03
Hi I’m going through similar situation right now. Referred again for lumps and now got arm swelling that has convinced me this is it. My anxiety also makes me believe it is a precursor to what is ahead! To say I’m stressed is an understatement but I’m holding it in there and just cant share with my family who just laugh and sad it’s the old health anxiety again x Please let me know how it goes…I’m rooting for ya x

03-08-23, 16:19
Hi - how are you feeling? Have you had an appt with the radiologist to go over your results yet? I don't know why they can't do this right over the phone for you instead of making you wait. I've had a lot of breast issues and I know a birads 4 usually means you will need a biopsy. It doesn't mean they will see anything bad. By far, most of they time they don't. But I know how scary the wait it. I'm thinking of you and hoping that everything turns out okay and you don't have to wait to long to get your results.

Let us know how you are.