View Full Version : Health Anxiety ruining my holiday. Please help.

30-07-23, 01:18
I have just arrived on holiday and instead of enjoying it I am a complete anxious wreck.
I was so worried something would happen that I have also willed it into existence. I was worried for the days leading up. Please, if anybody could offer a calming word I would be so so grateful.

On the flight yesterday, I started to experience a strange intermittent burning sensation in my lower right pelvic area. It does not move and is very specifically in this one area. It is a mild shooting pain that happens every minute or so and feels a bit like it is burning? Anyway I am absolutely terrified. Could it just be trapped wind from all the anxiety? Or is it something else ? I took pain killers before bed but woke up in the middle of the night and it is still there.

I am beside myself with worry. I hate the idea of being seriously ill in a foreign country plus I am about to ruin these next 10 days for me and my boyfriend unless I get my head together. I go from UTI, to appendicitis, to bowel cancer within minutes. It does feel as though I have trapped wind there but i don't recall have a burning with this before.

Please please help. Advice or reassurance very much appreciated.

Thank you xx

30-07-23, 03:06
The first thing that came to mind when I read "flight" is that you've either trapped a nerve or pulled/twisted a muscle from being on a plane. I've done that a ton, airplane seats are just awful.

I'd recommend some really good stretches, and maybe some heat or ice on the area if you have it and it seems to help. And then go enjoy your vacation!

31-07-23, 21:40
I’m so sorry you are having such a rough time on holiday. I’ve been there , many many of times and looking back I am full of regret at ruining such valuable time I had .

Sounds like a pulled muscle to me , try to relax and focus on your breathing when it all gets too much . It’s something that can be sorted out when you are home , try to focus on the moment and enjoy yourself on holiday .