View Full Version : Afraid of medical tests expect the worst

30-07-23, 15:10
Hi, I hope someone can help me, My health anxiety is making it diffacult to keep medical tests appointments, I havnt had a mammogram in 3 years and now i am afraid I waited too long, and they will find cancer and it will be too late. I am a mess I have a mammo scheduled for tomorrow and I have been worrying about this a month ago, So right now is the worst, thank you

31-07-23, 09:12
Hi there, I'm sure so many people on this forum can relate to this. For health anxiety sufferers, medical tests can send us into a spiral. The what ifs and worst case scenarios are all we can think about. But you have to remember that your anxiety will always focus in on the worst outcomes, while it filters out the more likely positive outcomes. Just because you haven't had a mammogram in 3 years doesn't mean that something bad will show up. It's just your anxiety telling you that because that's what anxiety does.
Take it one step at a time - when you get to your appointment just try to breathe and tell yourself that you're doing the right thing by getting this mammogram. Accept that you will have some anxiety while you're waiting but it will soon be over.
I really wish you the best of luck. I know how scary these tests can be but you'll be so glad when you've done it.

always scared
05-08-23, 02:17
Hi, I hope someone can help me, My health anxiety is making it diffacult to keep medical tests appointments, I havnt had a mammogram in 3 years and now i am afraid I waited too long, and they will find cancer and it will be too late. I am a mess I have a mammo scheduled for tomorrow and I have been worrying about this a month ago, So right now is the worst, thank you

Hi Berkley
You are me 100%. I have so much anxiety about getting test done that a avoid them completely. Then I get so scared and stressed that I have cancer because I didn't get it checked out. :scared15: I too need to go for a mammo and pap test and I've been putting them off years :weep: Now I've convinced myself that I have cervical or some other cancer and I'm dying because I was being stupid and scared and it's too late for me now. So I just continue being scared 24/7 :scared15:

Sorry I wasn't very helpful. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone and I totally understand what you're going through. Good luck with your mammo