View Full Version : Really struggling - I’m scared I have skin cancer

01-08-23, 18:28
I had a spot appear a couple of weeks ago that I knew straight away was going to be BCC as it’s on the side of my nose and it hasn’t got a head, isn’t sore and doesn’t look like other spots I have although I did have one on my forehead for a while a couple of months ago that disappeared but I know this is different.

I’ve always known that I’d get skin cancer as I tick all the boxes, blue eyes, blonde hair, I’ve used sun beds when I was younger, blistered a few times, my grandad had melanoma (he was nearly 90 and a bus driver) and I’ve had a suspicious mole removed that was thankfully benign. Just hate myself for not looking after my skin more and thinking of the dangers.

I know I should go the doctors to get checked out but I’m petrified especially after my mole was removed last time as it sent me spiralling. Also if it is skin cancer this means I’m definitely going to get melanoma and I don’t want to die of it. I hate this fear of cancer and I don’t know how to stop it.

01-08-23, 19:18
I've had a BCC, and I left it alone for five years because I was scared to get it dealt with. Having it removed was so much easier than worrying about it.

02-08-23, 02:17
Loads of people get those, it's literally nothing to worry about. I have bad HA and I wouldn't even worry about this. They will just remove it and that will be that.

03-08-23, 08:48
Thank you for the advice. I’m really struggling to not panic. Obviously google isn’t helping but I can’t keep away from it. I just don’t know how I’m going cope going through all this again as having a mole removed was my trigger for health anxiety. I’ve read after having a BCC there’s a good chance it will return multiple times? I’m just so angry with myself for not taking better care of myself.

It’s the summer holidays and I’m supposed to be enjoying time off work and looking forward to going Disneyland soon with my husband and girls but I’m so anxious and depressed.

03-08-23, 09:01
I had my BCC removed in 2014 and haven't had another since, although I'm aware it'll probably happen sooner or later. That said, I avoid the sun and stay covered up a lot.

I know it's a scary thought, but the thought is far worse than the reality - I'm resigned to the fact I'll get another sooner or later and will deal with it as and when.

03-08-23, 17:59
I had my BCC removed in 2014 and haven't had another since, although I'm aware it'll probably happen sooner or later. That said, I avoid the sun and stay covered up a lot.

I know it's a scary thought, but the thought is far worse than the reality - I'm resigned to the fact I'll get another sooner or later and will deal with it as and when.

It helps to know someone has been through it, you sound so positive about it which makes me feel a bit better. I’ve been trying to distract myself today by doing loads of housework and listening to a health anxiety audio book. I’m still struggling and having blips but I’m hoping I can get a hold on my anxiety.

03-08-23, 18:19
You've got this!