View Full Version : Terrified anxiety is damaging me internally

01-08-23, 22:46
Hi all

I've dealt on and off with anxiety, in particular health anxiety since 2017. Sometimes it's very manageable and non-existant but other times it's here with a vengeance. I'm dealing now with it pretty badly. For the past couple of days I've been a constant state of fight or flight/fast pounding heartbeat/fear/worry etc.

I'm just worried what this is doing to me internally. I'm a 31 y/o male and eat a very healthy diet and exercise 4/5 times a week. I'm worried that my blood vessels are being damaged due to BP spikes and I'm putting myself at risk of heart attack/stroke/aneurysm which is then fuelling the anxiety.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this worry or can offer any words of reassurance?


02-08-23, 02:14
Even if your thoughts are anxious, they can't hurt you if your body is relaxed. Taking deep breaths always lowers your BP & HR, especially if you take a really deep breath, hold it for 7-8 seconds, then slowly release it. And repeat that until you feel calm. It's a fantastic exercise, it makes your body feel like jelly. Try repeating that several times a day to see if can sort of train your body to be less responsive to anxiety. Here's a good video--


02-08-23, 05:30
I've dealt with severe anxiety since the early 90s, when I was a teenager. I'm obese, and exercise maybe once a week. I'm still here, and still learning new things every day.

02-08-23, 07:27
Thanks both. I'm wondering if I should be taking BP meds, worried that the spikes are causing damage but then in not in anxiety, I don't know if BP would drop too low. Or if I just need to work on calming myself

02-08-23, 08:36
I've dealt with severe anxiety since the early 90s, when I was a teenager. I'm obese, and exercise maybe once a week. I'm still here, and still learning new things every day.

Me too. The very early 90s (1990-91) in particular was actually a dreadful time for many people which now largely seems forgotten about and inevitably overshadowed in particular by obvious events 30 years later in 2020-21 and of course other 'obvious' events around 2008-11.

Mine in particular was severe emetophobia, often to the point of OCD, which started out of the blue in August 1991, that took about 6 years in total to peter out.

I'm still a bit jittery about throwing up now but don't really dwell on it like I used to back in the 90s, though of course various other anxiety-provoking 'issues' have since taken over that seemingly passed me by more back then.

02-08-23, 10:52
I'm currently away on holiday, freaking out my BP is sky high and I'm at risk of stroke or heart attack or aneurysm and can't seem to calm myself, argh

02-08-23, 10:53
What coping strategies are you using?

02-08-23, 11:19
Trying the deep breathing. Went to a pharmacy and got some calming tablets which don't seem to have done much. Just worried I'm at risk of something deadly. Not sure how quick high BP can cause damage

02-08-23, 19:53
Sorry to keep on guys. I'm so terrified I'm moments away from a stroke/ heart attack. Can't seem to rationalise that my BP could be sly high and its a ticking time bomb and I'm in another country and can't do anything about it. Ugh.

02-08-23, 22:46
How do you know your BP is high? Have you measured it? Or do you just assume it’s high?
I’ve been anxious every day since 2015, and I’ve never had high BP. In fact every time my GP takes it, it’s low. My heart will go 140, but my BP will be low.
Not everyone’s BP goes up when they’re anxious.

02-08-23, 22:55
I'm assuming it's high but I do have white coat syndrome. But the thought of getting it checked makes it high but I think that's more because I know I'm getting checked and the cuff around the arm etc. But I'm just assuming it is high right now

03-08-23, 02:01
I'm assuming it's high but I do have white coat syndrome. But the thought of getting it checked makes it high but I think that's more because I know I'm getting checked and the cuff around the arm etc. But I'm just assuming it is high right now

So based on an assumption since the beginning of the year, you're in the rabbit hole again? Really? :huh: