View Full Version : Swollen lip from pimple/acne, fear of sepsis/triangle of death

02-08-23, 12:23
I tried to squeeze a pimple under lip and after few hours woke up with a swollen side of lip, I am really scared because I've read about triangle of death that if you squeeze pimples around mouth that you can die. It could be staph infection. I will go to the doctor today but I am really scared that I'll need IV antibiotics and that it will get only worse.

I am in so much panic, don't know how to calm down myself.

02-08-23, 12:59
You're worrying about nothing again. You have a slightly swollen lip, no big deal.

02-08-23, 13:03
I don't know. Last time when this happened on my chin, my lymphe nodes were swollen and I got an oral antibiotic. People on Reddit for these things always say "go to ER, it's dangerous". I wish you were right.
I am starting a new job on Friday and I am a mess, I was so nervous and I squeezed that pimple that I shouldn't. I really hope you are right.

It's not slightly, it's very visible, like a have a filler in one side of lip. :D

02-08-23, 13:23
After putting an ice it's a little less visible so I don't know if a doctor will take me seriously. I am scared that it will progress.

02-08-23, 13:28
Your problem isn't the pimple, it's your anxiety.

02-08-23, 14:00
I know but I don't know how to manage it anymore. I've been like this since I was a child, every cold that I've had I would ask my mother if I am going to die. I don't have money for therapy, maybe in a few months. Meds never helped.

02-08-23, 14:12
Have you looked at the resources available here? Apps like Headspace are cheaper than therapy and can also be immensely helpful.

02-08-23, 14:17
I haven't but I will, thanks.

02-08-23, 16:15
Doctor looked at it and said it was nothing and that I don't need an antibiotic but I am still worried that it will progress because all those horrible stories about people ending up on IV antibiotics.

02-08-23, 16:20
Why do you look for this stuff and read it? What about all the thousands of people who don't need antibiotics or don't even visit a doctor?

02-08-23, 16:42
I wanted reassurance, wanted to see if someone had that but whenever I go on Reddit about a pimple or a cat bite everyone say "go to ER, one friend ended up in a hospital or dead".

02-08-23, 17:26
You need to learn to find reassurance within yourself.

02-08-23, 17:45
Yes. I feel like a child in these kind of situations. The first thing when something happens is panic, then googling to see if someone had the same experience and hoping that it went fine and wanting that someone tells me that I won't die. Fear of death, my main fear. I don't know if I'll ever overcome it.

02-08-23, 19:45
More often than not, Reddit is a zoo. People go on there specifically to rile other people up. You had an in-person professional take a look, and you're fine. That's great!

Unfortunately (for myself) I had more than my share of pimples in my teens/early 20s before Accutane took care of them. Not once did I get an infection.

Keep it clean and you'll be fine. It's really easy to panic, but sometimes it helps me to think of the 1000000+ other things that could be causing X symptom, that are totally harmless.

02-08-23, 22:11
I don't write on Reddit but sometimes I google it to find some advice and it's always something that brings more panic when it comes to these things, I don't know why I am doing that at all.
I became more aware of any skin problems or cat bites and I always think of worst. Last winter I was at the doctor twice for that and many times I was just monitoring some skin change with fear that it will become cellulitis that will require hospitalization because I know a woman who had that out of the blue.

I am uncomfortable because I am afraid that it will be much more swollen in the morning, ice didn't help much and I am scared that I need antibiotic and don't trust that doctor but I am also afraid to take an antibiotic for no reason. I hope it will all pass soon.