View Full Version : Skin cancer or anxiety?

05-08-23, 12:39
I'm really struggling at the minute. I had covid in March and unfortunately have developed long covid after it. The fatigue and exhaustion is the biggest issue for me but my anxiety has been constantly spiking since I had covid.
I saw a pinkish/reddish lump on my sons (he's 22) leg a few days ago. I saw it first about 2 months ago and said to myself it could be anything, an insect bite or something. But when I saw it a few days ago I just started panicking about it.
It's about the size of a pea, maybe a little smaller.
I'm scared to say it to him because I don't want him thinking I'm worrying about it but I can't get skin cancer thoughts out of my head.
I can't think rationally at the moment, all my thinking is done with a lot of anxiety in my head. What do I do here?

05-08-23, 20:46
If it helps I have a pink/red spot on my leg that’s been there for many many years. I went to the doctors about it a while ago and she said that it was just a little cyst and that it’s very common and that she even had one. I’d maybe just keep an eye on it and if it changes speak to him about going to get it checked but I’m sure it will be fine.

07-08-23, 21:58
Thanks for your reply. It just seems to be one thing after another lately. When I get overly stressed my logical thinking goes out the window and I end up not knowing what to do.
I will keep an eye on it, without him knowing it of course (luckily he tends to wear short pants most days which will make it so much easier).
I'm sure if it's anything to worry about that it will start to change and grow?