View Full Version : Mole worry

07-08-23, 10:48
I am spiralling after I looked at a mole and have convinced myself it looks different. I have always had the mole and it is larger than others and from a distance it looks probably about the same as usual. But when I look closer, sometimes it looks like it is bigger. Sometimes I am not sure it has changed at all. I am on holiday now so maybe the sun has brought out freckles around it or maybe not. I am worrying about melanoma, and I will get it checked when I come home. I have used the skin check thing ABC etc and it maybe fits a bit or maybe I am trying to make it meet the criteria.
Obviously we are not doctors, but any positive words are appreciated. I am consoling myself with that if there is a problem, the mole has not changed much (if it is changed at all) so probably early days.
I have a lot of other worrying and stressful things going on in the background so part of me wonders also if my anxiety is latching onto something to give me a new focus. This has happened many times in the past, it's a bit like avoidance of the real issues.

Not sure the purpose of this post but like I said, any positive words are appreciated.

07-08-23, 12:04
I'm sure many of us can identify with feeling more anxious when we are dealing with other stressful issues, especially when we are away from home. You have focused on your mole. I've done this myself before. Once I had one removed and it turned out to be absolutely nothing sinister. Why don't you take a close up photo of the mole, then compare the photo with your mole in a week or so? I'm not suggesting you do this because I think there's anything sinister about it, it's just useful to have a photo to reassure you when you're worried about it. I've had moles which have been itchy, some have become raised and a bit angry, but they have calmed down again. I've always gone to my GP if I've been worried, but although I can feel paralysed with fear when I'm there, it's always such a relief when you get reassurance. Meantime , I hope you can enjoy your holiday without too much anxiety. Nothing you have described would suggest anything urgent. If it makes you feel better, you can always seek reassurance once you get back from your holiday and send your anxiety packing. Big hugs.

07-08-23, 16:11
Hi Swanee,

Thanks for your message. I have taken a photo so I am going to use that as a reference and try to put it out of my mind while I am away.

I am not sure if it has changed at all, I have just fixated on maybe it has and then spiralling. When I come home I will get it checked.

I am trying not to let the anxiety get the better of me...

Thanks again

07-08-23, 23:25
You've done the right thing by taking the photo, now try to enjoy your holiday. It sounds like you have definitely fixated on it, and your anxiety is trying to convince you that there are changes when in reality there probably won't be anything to worry about. Xxx

08-08-23, 18:18
As someone who knows the mole worry well, I highly recommend taking some time soon and taking a picture of a bunch of moles you have. It helps me a TON because I've had moments where I go "Whoa, that's a new one, oh no" and then go back and look at the pics and go "Oh...no, it's been there for years." It's great for comparing too for when you think things got darker/bigger and realize it's literally the same it's always been. I have a whole folder on my phone just for mole pics.

10-08-23, 23:31
As someone who knows the mole worry well, I highly recommend taking some time soon and taking a picture of a bunch of moles you have. It helps me a TON because I've had moments where I go "Whoa, that's a new one, oh no" and then go back and look at the pics and go "Oh...no, it's been there for years." It's great for comparing too for when you think things got darker/bigger and realize it's literally the same it's always been. I have a whole folder on my phone just for mole pics.

Thank you, that is a good idea. I have taken pics but having a folder will help me find them again!