View Full Version : Random memories

07-08-23, 21:09
Bare with me. So today I've experienced it twice when someone has said something it's triggered a memory of a meme or a instagra. reel, TV show or tik tok that I can't quite place or think is real.

I worry I'm losing it or it's a sign of a stroke, seizure or tumor.

07-08-23, 21:37
Likely because it wasn't important enough for you to fully remember the details, but it's still triggering something similar that you experienced. That's just how memories are.

07-08-23, 22:09
Hello! Thank you for replying. I'm so annoyed as I've been doing so well and noticed tipping back last few days.

This is such a random symptom and is it even normal or one to be worried about. Say someone said 'I'm on top of the world' your brain would be like i know that quote but that before you remember what your brain loses trail and your doing something else. I'm not even sure these memes or tiktoks or whatever even exist or like fake.

07-08-23, 23:06
So I've ended up on a post somewhere and they said they had deja vu and turned out to be absence seizures so now I'm terrified that's what it is. Though I literally remember the whole thing.

First time; son licked me, I said thats gross and his dad said licking is disgusting and my brain thought it reminded me of a meme or something I've seem online but couldn't place.

Second time; watching a movie, character says I'm OK now and then it reminded me of a TV clip of something I can't quite grasp.

08-08-23, 09:20
TBH, I sometimes get triggered by seemingly random and innocuous things, such as certain words, phrases, typefaces (fonts), visual images, sounds, smells, etc.

08-08-23, 11:06
This sounds like normal deja vu. Deja vu is your brain fact checking something that seems familiar. Seizure deja vu is apparently pretty intense.

I was worried about this years ago and posted about it on my old account which I lost access too. Here’s the post though if you wanna read it, I got some good responses.


08-08-23, 18:16
Agreed with kitkat, this is just normal deja vu stuff. I get dejavu really bad sometimes to the point I feel like I've already lived that moment before. I also have ADHD so my memory is foggy sometimes/forgetful to the point I'll forget what I'm saying mid-sentence which sounds scary, but ultimately isn't. Have you gotten covid at any point? Brain fog is a lingering possible side effect from that and if it IS something causing it beyond deja vu, it could just be that.

08-08-23, 18:52
"Bear with me" ? Sorry, but no. This is ridiculous. I don't want to make you feel bad, but I do want to be a bit harsh with you... just so the message gets through. The idea that what you're describing could be a seizure or a stroke is absolutely absurd. What you're describing with your memory is completely normal. Even if it's somehow new or different from before, it's still completely normal.

Your anxiety must be really intense for you to pick something really innocuous and think that it could something so serious as a stroke. I really hope you are getting help for your anxiety.