View Full Version : Legs/knees shake when going down stairs or bending over on one leg

08-08-23, 20:51
This has been going on for over a year now. I've had a back MRI which only showed slight degenerative disc disease that shouldn't be causing it, have gone to physical therapy which hasn't solved the issue, and got a brain scan which did show some lesions, though the doctor at the time said it was likely due to headaches/migraines. But that was over a year ago now and the issue still persists.

If I go down stairs, the moment I'm on one leg and my other one is bent, the one currently on the ground still will shake terribly back and forth. The same goes for the other leg. It also happens if I try to do things like bend over on one leg or sometimes even when I squat on two legs.

I'm obviously concerned that this is going to persist and get worse as I'm only in my early/mid 30s, but this is already a problem and that they didn't want to attribute any issues they saw to something like ALS or MS solely due to my age.