View Full Version : Could this be it????

28-11-07, 12:28
I probably shouldn't be posting here about this now, because i may put the mockers on it, i really hope i don't.
For the past two days my dizziness has improved and there is only two things i have done differently!
Firstly, two nights ago i felt so very bad and ill, unreal and didn't recognize anyone or anything and the dizziness had got me so down etc, i went for a bath and had a good old SOB. I sobbed my eyes out and prayed to my dad to please help me. I felt so very ill, really.
And the second thing is i have not taken my Omeprazole for the past two days.
So, in conclusion, it must be either:
My sinus's - the good old sob could have cleared something a bit
(also i have not had any cheese for about a week, hard cheese)
it was the Omeprazole.
This is logical to me, in either circumstance.
I have re read the side effects of Omeprazole and the symptoms i get are there, some of them are quite rare, but this is me we are talking about and i am highly sensitive nowadays to anything i take and have always been unlucky when it comes to getting something noone else would, lol. I was taking 10mg in the morning after breakfast, which i know is a small dose, but i have been on them for many, many months now and they have helped to calm down the ectopic heart beats i get.
So i am hoping that it was the med's really. If not then i will just have to stay clear of cheese forever and have a good sob every night, lol.
I don't care as long as the dizziness goes off, it was so severe and scary.
But one of the more common side effects of the med's (1 in 10 - 1 in 100) was vertigo! So it could well have been that although it says that if you continue with the meds it should lessen and stop. Maybe not with me eh?
We shall see.
Thankyou for all of your posts and support, i have been so bad recently, coming on here and seeing that people who understand how we can feel and how bad it really is read my posts and reply to me is wonderful, thanks again.x

28-11-07, 12:57
hi angie , It could possibly be the cheese ? I am not allowed to eat cheese or chocolate because the ear specialist said i am suffering with
" Migraine ass vertigo" , so I have been keeping a diary and Its always worst when I am premenstrual. Maybe see if you still feel ok after one month being off cheese and then reintroduce it , see if it comes back ?

good luck .

28-11-07, 13:01
Hi Angiebaby :)

That's great news that your dizziness has subsided, i'm really pleased for you :hugs:

I think it does sound fairly likely that it was the med's causing it, but whatever the cause was i hope you continue to feel better hun :hugs:

Take care,

Anna xx

30-11-07, 01:12
Keep us posted!

Pink Princess
30-11-07, 02:36

you are doing really well, have a bear hug from me and know how proud i am of how well your doing right now. stay strong xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx