View Full Version : Health Anxiety and post Appendectomy

09-08-23, 11:09
Hello, I have suffered health anxieties for many years now. I also have suffered from panic attacks more recently, this has been worse since both my elderly parents passed away.
Five weeks ago I got a sudden pain In my stomach that progressively got worse over two days. I ended up having an emergency appendectomy as my appendix had perforated. This was my first time in hospital and after five day stay I was let home.
I have had time off work to recover, this is something I never and my absence record has been excellent through my years of employment. This has lead me to lot of thought regarding my health. I have been back to the Doctor on two occasions since regarding my operation and the twinges and discomfort I am having. The Doctor has said this is all usual as nerves have been affected by tge keyhole surgery. He said so long as I have no fevers and am going to the toilet normally then there is no cause for alarm. I usually keep fit and active in the gym but have 9bviously had to have a lay off as not to risk hernia in any of the entry sites (three in total)
How can I be more positive to aid my recovery? I am walking my dogs and look well according to others but still have so many racing thoughts.

09-08-23, 15:53
Hard to say without knowing exactly what you're anxious about. Seems like everything is just fine. Appendectomies are incredibly common and most people have to take off work sometimes for surgeries or illnesses.

18-08-23, 18:06
I had an unexpected surgery many years ago and it definitely sparked my anxiety. Another thing that always sparks my anxiety is having to sit around at home instead of being busy. Appendectomies are one of the most common surgeries, so there's no doubt you'll recover just fine. Try to find something to keep you busy during the day so your mind doesn't get trapped worrying.