View Full Version : Ladies Only please...

09-08-23, 18:49
Ladies, have you ever experienced your vagina area vibrating? The same vibration you might get in your feet or legs. Most weird sensation. :blush:

09-08-23, 19:38
Yes, but I was....not sober at the time, ha. It is a weird sensation, I'll give you that!

09-08-23, 19:58
Lol poppy.
I was wondering if it was anxiety related.

09-08-23, 20:04

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10-08-23, 14:59
No one else then. So I'm weird. :blush:

10-08-23, 17:14
Hey now - that would mean I am weird as well and surely that's not true! :roflmao:

10-08-23, 17:33
Thanks for making me feel a bit more normal poppy :hugs:

12-08-23, 07:51
I have! It's embarrassing to say but I've had such weird feelings 'down there' that I've thought that if I had sex it might make it feel better. To be honest it might provide temporary relief , but at times of high anxiety it just comes back.

I think it's another curveball that anxiety throws at you, little bugger that it is.

12-08-23, 09:22
It's such a weird feeling catkins :blush:
I feel almost embarrassed about it.

16-08-23, 21:38
Yup! I get it in my feet sometimes and have totally had it in the vag! I assume it's probably something to do with my lower back/nerve stuff. All of that also picks up when I'm anxious. I know exactly what you're describing. It's totally weird, but I've had it happen on and off for years and I'm here to tell the tale.

16-08-23, 22:17
Thanks Erin.

Adding to that, I've also had a sharp shooting pain in the same area. Like shooting up. I've had this several times.

18-08-23, 18:07
I've had that too - I usually blame pelvic floor spasms/issues for that one.

18-08-23, 20:32
Thanks Erin x

01-04-24, 10:37
Error, wrong post