View Full Version : Pinkish discharge, really worried

10-08-23, 10:24
This morning I had quite a large bit of pink discharge. It really scared me. This happened me twice last month too. I don't know if it's anything to do with ovulation. I'm almost at mid cycle and the consistency of the discharge was kind of egg like (sorry if tmi). I know some women have some spotting around ovulation but it never happens to me.
I did a bit of exercise yesterday, a small walk/run, in the hope of trying to start getting my anxiety down a bit. I don't think that had anything to do with it but could it have? I had a very small bit of pink discharge about an hour after the exercise.
I'm just going through a really bad patch at the moment and stress levels in general are very high. I know that nobody can tell me what's causing this discharge but any reassuring words would be really appreciated.

10-08-23, 10:31
Please don't panic, this sounds exactly like ovulation discharge, especially with you mentioning being midcycle and it looking like egg white.

Period worries are one of my big panic triggers, but this honestly sounds entirely fine to me.

10-08-23, 10:38
Thanks BlueIris. I know it could be ovulation but just worried why would it suddenly be pink when it normally isn't.
Periods are usually a huge trigger for me as well. I'm trying so hard to calm myself down now, I don't want to be worried about this all day and over the coming days, but with my general anxiety being so high it's very difficult to think logically and keep calm.

10-08-23, 10:44
It's okay, I spotted for a few days at the end of my period this month and up until yesterday I was convinced I was dying ;) Our bodies change as we get older, and it can be terrifying.

10-08-23, 11:01
It really is very difficult being a woman with health anxiety - so many things can go 'wrong' that just send us spiraling.
I'm 46 so I know things are going to start changing anyway. I was always hoping that my HA would be somewhat under control once I reached my mid 40s but it looks like that's not going to be the case now.

10-08-23, 11:03
I'm 46 too! We can be weird period buddies ;)

10-08-23, 11:10
I like that idea, a period buddy :)
It's nice when someone else understands all the stuff we worry about that most people probably wouldn't even think about.
"My period lasted 2 hours longer this month, that's it, I better get through my bucket list asap" :roflmao:

10-08-23, 11:14
Mine have always been long, but now I do my usual six days and then spot for another three. May as well dig my own grave, really ;)

10-08-23, 11:38
My last period stopped in the middle of it for a day, then started again, quite heavy too. Never did that before. For some reason I didn't panic, convinced myself it's to be expected at my age.
It's the pink discharge has pushed me over the edge. I'll grab a shovel and we can both start digging :)

10-08-23, 11:52
Mine does the stopping for a day in the middle, too!

Bodies are weird.

10-08-23, 12:45
Is that something that has just started recently or have you had it for years?
Is it true that we can expect almost anything to happen once you hit your mid 40s?

10-08-23, 12:52
I had it when I was younger, it went away and then came back.

From what I've heard and read, yes, anything can be on the table at our age.

10-08-23, 13:08
From what I've heard and read, yes, anything can be on the table at our age.

Well that's just what we need :wacko: Something to look forward to.....

10-08-23, 13:15
True, but eventually they go away.

10-08-23, 13:40
I'm 49 and yep mine stop starts too. It seems to be it's new "normal". I think I'm done, often nothing for 24hr and then " HELLO I'm back!!" will be quite heavy for a few hours and then just stop again. Apparently it's just the hormones being erratic and stopping and starting during perimenopause. They don't know if they are coming or going LOL. I had the occasional mid cycle spotting a couple of years ago, but it was only for a few cycles and hasn't happened since. I'd never had it before then either.

16-08-23, 21:36
I only started having pink ovulation discharge after 35. I had never had it before in my life until then! It went on for the next couple of years until I had my hysterectomy (for fibroids I'd had for 15 years - so it wasn't them). Now I'm 40 and still have working ovaries so I get to guess if all the crazy I feel is hormonal or not since I don't have my period anymore!