View Full Version : Struggling with abdominal pain and just...tired

11-08-23, 15:05
So for the last 4-5 months or so I've had issues with lower left abdominal/pelvic pain. I went in to one doctor and they tested for a UTI, which was negative, then told me to just come back if it persisted. I went to my gynecologist in case it was something in that area; they ended up doing an ultrasound to check for cysts and found nothing (though when they pointed the wand toward that area it was quite painful). I brought it up with my new doctor at my physical and she suggested ibuprofen + increase in fiber to help me be more regular, which may have helped some but not enough. I went back yesterday and she's stumped, but I'm booked for another ultrasound with a different clinic just in case it actually is cysts.

I'm just frustrated. My doctor told me that there are lots of structures in that area so it could be anything (internal or even just muscular). I know it's not my HA because it's been incredibly persistent and there is obvious pain. If it were just muscular I could deal with that, but I need to be sure it's not something else that needs addressing and I'm a bit frustrated because it seemed she didn't quite know what should be done next so it was kind of "well, may as well run this one again". And while I do have insurance, there are still co-pays and deductibles to worry about.

The really irritating thing is that there aren't really a lot of other symptoms to go on. I don't have any kind of spotting or bleeding. Stools are generally pretty normal, aside from some issues with irregularity that aren't really uncommon for me.

The pain itself is also really weird - sometimes it's a slow burn and a dull ache, sometimes it's a sharper pain if I move a certain way or press (but it doesn't always hurt in those cases either). For example, yesterday I went to tie my shoe laces and put my foot up on a barstool to do that and it was painful in that area, but that doesn't always happen.

I feel half crazy, especially with my history of HA, sitting in the office and not having much to go on other than "this hurts and I'd like to know why". And I feel weird going to the doctor if I don't have a general idea of what the diagnosis might be or what tests they would need to run, which is especially silly because I'm not the doctor - they are. I'm also running myself in circles when I have other symptoms pop up - my back may hurt for a second or I may have a stomachache and I wonder if it's related.

I'm just really tired of the whole thing, and needed to vent. :blush: I'm really fighting hard against the HA taking over and telling me that it's all over, that it's something bad.

13-08-23, 08:51
It sounds like you have had quite a few tests which have been negative, so tha ought to be reassuring in itself - although I understand from my own personal experience, not when you have a health anxiety disorder! Perhaps the pain and discomfort you describe could possibly be related to IBS or diverticulitis - neither of which is life threatening or dangerous, but both of which can be very persistent and cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Inflammation can cause the type of pain you describe, and that can be exacerbated by all sorts of things, including anxiety, hormones or what we eat and drink. Trapped wind or constipation can also definitely cause pain and discomfort in the area you describe.
I had an ultrasound a few years ago for persistent discomfort in that area. It was clear. Turns out it was all due to the menopause, even though I had none of the typical symptoms to suggest that I was going through that at the time.
It is also a fact that when we focus on a worrying pain or sensation, we become intensely aware of every ache and twinge, and when we become anxious or worried about it, we add adrenaline to the mix, which heightens physical sensations and makes them more evident. A vicious circle all health anxiety sufferers will be aware of! You are booked in for another ultrasound, so that will hopefully reassure you that nothing sinister is going on. Be honest about your health anxiety with your doctors and health professionals. Explain that you are mentally exhausted with the worry about your health, and that you have a health anxiety disorder. You won't be the only one - as my doctor told me years ago when I was diagnosed with health anxiety disorder - "you're in the big club". All the best with your appointment, keep us posted, and meantime, bear in mind that what you are experiencing can be caused by all kinds of benign, normal, innocent things. Big hugs.

13-08-23, 09:22
I was this on the lines of IBS as well.
Although thinking about it more it could well be trapped wind in that area. I've had it where it produces a wave of a dull ache and pain if I move in certain ways. It can affect the stomach and make you feel tired. If you've been eating :stressed 'it can affect your digestion and cause pockets of wind. It can last anything from a couple of days to weeks. Try some freshly squeezed lemon juice in warm water and drink first thing in the morning. It might help. x

13-08-23, 18:03
I agree with the trapped wind. There is a nice bend in your colon in that area which are notorious for trapping wind. Another bend under the left lower ribs causes wind pain there too.

Your tests are all coming back ok so believe them. Usually it’s the most obvious explanation that comes true. What’s that saying? If you hear hooves, think horses not zebras!

14-08-23, 01:19
Thanks all. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned, but I'm also just really annoyed with it at this point. It's just that it's been an issue for months, and not much seems to relieve it when it comes on, though painkillers sometimes help a bit. I've had pain before from trapped wind or stool and it usually resolved itself after going to the bathroom but this seems unrelated.

I do agree that the lack of other symptoms and the fact that everything has been clear so far really seem to point toward something not sinister, but I guess we'll see what the next ultrasound says and go from there. I think it's going to be a bit more comprehensive than the previous one. I just wish there were an easy, obvious answer like, "yep, it's this, here's what we do and you'll be all sorted out". But I guess all of us with HA wish for that. :blush:

14-08-23, 19:15
I'll be honest, I'm having a bit of a bad day today. The pain is just very persistent and kind of uncomfortable at times. I did notice some black specs in stool (sorry, I always swore I'd never be a stool-inspector :blush: ) but it's possible that it is just remnants of what I've eaten - or at least, that's what I'm telling myself. I'll monitor it for a few days I guess and then I'll know for sure if it's food or something more sinister.

I just really hope this can all get sorted out. And am hoping that maybe the ultrasound professionals will have some kind of suggestion? I'm just a bit proactively frustrated because if nothing is on the ultrasound my doctor seemed to be totally stumped as to what next steps would be, which leaves me feeling more than a bit lost since obviously I'm not a medical professional.

14-08-23, 20:06
Hi Poppy, I had a constant pain on right side of abdomen for months. It was mostly pressure and sometimes a pinching pain. Had a colonoscopy and internal ultrasound, but nothing more than a small cyst on the left ovary was found. I had myself convinced it was a rare disease affecting my appendix and almost demanded my doctor to do a ct scan, but I let it go and eventually (after 8 months) the pressure/pain just went away. Honestly when I stopped obsessing about it every day. I started panicking about my health again because I have an upcoming doctor appointment and all of a sudden the pain is back after being gone for a couple months. It’s probably IBS related or stress and nerves.

14-08-23, 22:39
Thanks, longnovember, that does help me feel a bit better. I do notice that when I have a rush of anxiety it will start to hurt or the pain will become more prominent, but it's a challenge because pain has never been an HA thing for me before so I think, "if it hurts, something must be going on". I guess I'll just have to do what the doctor advises and see where I land. It has gone away for stretches before, but seems to be more painful now than it ever has been - though of course that could be down to my being extra worried about it and having it on my mind.

15-08-23, 13:48
A big (hug) poppy x

15-08-23, 18:00
You’re not on any medication are you? I had the same thing on my right side but it stopped when I came off my sertraline. I also suffer with Ibs

17-08-23, 14:33
Hi melie - no, no medication other than as-needed migraine meds. It's funny, when the pain subsides/goes away my mind thinks, "okay, that's done now, must have just been a blip" but then it comes back and I just feel frustrated/worried all over again.

I got my ultrasound scheduled for the 31st, and I think it's a different type of ultrasound than they did previously (maybe more comprehensive?) and it is also at a new clinic so would be a good second opinion. Hopefully it all comes back normal and they can tell me its just muscular or something and I can just move on.

21-09-23, 16:21
I just figured I would update. My ultrasound was apparently normal this time as well. My doctor suggested endometriosis as a possibility and suggested I follow up with my gyn. I have an annual appointment at the first of the year so I guess I could mention it then.

Obviously normal results are good news, I'm just frustrated with the pain. It's lasted months and is just so isolated to one area that it honestly has to be something but I guess it's totally possible that it's muscular. I worry about it being something with my colon but maybe they would have seen something like that on the ultrasound? I'm honestly unsure.

I guess I'm kind of frustrated with the "idk, ask someone else" response too. I'm obviously not a doctor and I'm certainly not going to start googling so I hoped my doctor would be the one to suggest possibilities and follow ups instead of asking me what I thought it was and what testing I wanted to do.

I think having a history of health anxiety is really hard to work against, because I feel like if I go back in a month or so with the same complaint I'll just be written off as an anxiety case. So I feel weird about pushing or asking more questions. But then I also feel like I need to advocate for myself.

Anyway, that's my vent.

22-09-23, 09:14
Hi poppy,

Muscular pain can last for ages, especially if you are regularly lifting things.
I know it can kick off health anxiety but having the all clear from the ultrasound must be a relief.
Also, I know you've had some stresses and that can affect the tummy.
You always get these sort of things checked out. Push as much as you need with the questions, there's no point ruminating and it affecting your living. x

29-09-23, 03:03
Hi Poppy - I was experiencing a very similar pain (but on my right side) for about 6 weeks last year. I had two u/s and nothing was found either except for a tiny fibroid that was too small to cause any pain. I can relate to the frustration you’re feeling because I couldn’t get answers either. I ended up at the ER one night and sat there until 7 am waiting for results… It was only then after they did a CT and said it was nothing that the pain finally went away! Just wanted to share as sometimes it helps to know others have been exactly where you are!

29-09-23, 14:53
Thank you both! Glad it was nothing, sel. It's definitely good news that they didn't find anything. Of course my mind wants to think of all the things it could be that they may have missed, but I guess unless I develop additional symptoms there's not much else to go on.

I will ask my gyn about endometriosis when I have my annual exam early next year. That is probably a good possibility.

20-12-23, 19:46
I think it's very possible that it's muscular in nature, but as the pain has persisted and is irritating I've got an appointment for tomorrow morning to just ask about it again.

I know it's an appointment I need to keep, but I'm definitely dreading it and really don't want to go. I think I'm just frustrated with it. I am concerned that the NP that I'm going to see will also be frustrated if she doesn't have any ideas of next steps, so I'm upset that I'm bothering her. I'm also just annoyed that aside from "yes, this hurts and it's starting to hurt when I'm doing daily activities" I don't really have much more for them to go on so I have no idea what "next steps" would be. I just wish it were more clear-cut.

But, I'll go and see what they say.

Miu medical billing
20-12-23, 20:47
You're frustrated and tired of pain with no easy answers. It's okay to vent! Keep advocating for yourself, communicate openly with your doctor, and practice self-care. Focus on facts, trust your team, and remember you're not alone. Stay strong, seek support, and keep pushing for answers.

20-12-23, 20:55
Any chance you can get a referral for physiotherapy? I find GPs aren’t very helpful when it comes to muscular pain, but physiotherapists can really give some good help. Could be worth exploring with everything else coming back okay.

20-12-23, 21:03
Poppy, if it turns out to be muscle pain it can take ages to heal because we are always moving and doing stuff. :hugs:

20-12-23, 21:24
Thanks, all. I could cope if it were muscle pain, but of course my HA brain is telling me I should be sure so that I'm not missing something important.

I think I could potentially get a referral for physical therapy, or else maybe they could give me some stretches to do at home. It's such a weird spot for muscular pain but the NP did say there is a muscle there that could potentially be aggravated so maybe it's just that.

I just hate when I have such a vague health issue because I feel like such a bother.

21-12-23, 18:02
I survived my appointment. It was kind of upsetting at first because the first thing she did was come into the room and give me kind of a tired look and said “I thought you were going to ask your gyn about this.” I will, but my appointment with them isn’t for a few weeks and I really don’t think it’s endometriosis anyway.

So I asked about it being muscular, which she thinks it is, and asked about a referral to physical therapy. I should do some sessions in the new year. I don’t love the extra cost, but they’ll be able to tell me if they think it is a muscular issue and give me some stretches and exercises to do to ease the pain/relieve the muscle. If that is the issue, I think that would be the best course of action anyway because I love to walk and hike and don’t want the pain to get in the way of that. Better to get some good coping/healing mechanisms on board that hopefully will help.

There is a coffee shop in the medical facility, so I ended up treating myself to some peppermint hot chocolate too. :yesyes:

21-12-23, 18:42
How did you get on at your appointment? I'm struggling with the same thing and not got any answers yet!

21-12-23, 18:50
I survived my appointment. It was kind of upsetting at first because the first thing she did was come into the room and give me kind of a tired look and said “I thought you were going to ask your gyn about this.” I will, but my appointment with them isn’t for a few weeks and I really don’t think it’s endometriosis anyway.

So I asked about it being muscular, which she thinks it is, and asked about a referral to physical therapy. I should do some sessions in the new year. I don’t love the extra cost, but they’ll be able to tell me if they think it is a muscular issue and give me some stretches and exercises to do to ease the pain/relieve the muscle. If that is the issue, I think that would be the best course of action anyway because I love to walk and hike and don’t want the pain to get in the way of that. Better to get some good coping/healing mechanisms on board that hopefully will help.

There is a coffee shop in the medical facility, so I ended up treating myself to some peppermint hot chocolate too. :yesyes:

Hey that’s really good!

21-12-23, 19:28
How did you get on at your appointment? I'm struggling with the same thing and not got any answers yet!

We are exploring it as muscular. I will do some physical therapy appointments in the new year to see if it helps.

21-12-23, 20:01
Well done Poppy. I know it wasn't easy for you. x

09-02-24, 16:06
I wanted to update this just in case someone searches and the thread pops up.

I’ve been going to physical therapy for a few weeks now. It’s not something that will immediately get better, but it has improved a ton. Apparently my pelvis was out of alignment and has a tendency to do that, which can then cause muscular pain. So she’s been putting me back into alignment and I’ve also been doing exercises to strengthen my core and hip muscles, which will then work to keep me aligned. We’ve also done some cupping on my back, as I’ve had back pain and she thought some of it may be referred pain from that.

So far, so good. I like that I can work on strengthening my core and legs (great for hiking!) and that I’ve got the tools to move forward with this in case it becomes an issue again. It’s also put my mind at ease regarding it being anything super serious, at least for now.

09-02-24, 20:23
Hi Poppy,
Glad everything is starting to come right for you, it sounds like you’ve had one heck of a ride with it these last few months, it must have really got you down...
Ive been having constant leg ache for the past week, didn’t know why, just started last Saturday, and like you health anxiety brain was saying it’s something serious so I bit the bullet and rang the drs today, scared to death of drs and what they might say so that was daunting, anyway he rang me and I explained everything, he asked me questions and then said it sounds muscular.
Do you mean your pelvis as a tendency to do that or it’s a common thing for anybody, I’ve never heard of that before only when pregnant, apparently it moves slightly in preparation for the baby to grow bigger and I know that can cause aches an pains.
Anyway so pleased your getting sorted now, it must be a weight off your mind xxxxx

09-02-24, 20:50
Thanks, YNWA. I’m glad you were able to get your own pain taken care of!

Apparently my pelvis has a tendency to shift; I’m not sure how common it is. One side just tips slightly forward. My physical therapist says it can happen when one side of the body is just a bit stronger than the other so things get out of whack, which is why the strengthening exercises will help. She also pointed out that our bodies have a tendency to use muscles we are habitually used to using, but it can lead to overuse and then pain. For example, several of our exercises were meant to strengthen my hip muscles, but starting out it was my legs or back that was doing most of the work by default when it was my hips that should have been working. So we had to change the exercises slightly and I really had to focus on using what I was supposed to.