View Full Version : Complex ovarian cyst

13-08-23, 06:26
Hi all..i recently went to ER due to lower abdominal right sided pain. They did an ultrasound and it revealed a 5 cm complex ovarian cyst. The report mentioned it’s most probably hemorrhagic but other possibilities can’t be ruled out and I need a vaginal ultrasound and if necessary an MRI. The gynecologist at the ER said I have to follow up with my gynecologist next month to make sure it hasn’t grown cause she is concerned about it rupturing or causing ovarian torsion. She didn’t mention she was thinking it was malignant but when I insisted (I was in a meltdown at that moment), she said it was 80% hemorrhagic, 10% hair, 10% suspicious. But she assured me given my age it’s highly unlikely. I asked a relative of mine who is a gynecologist and she assured me they r never cancer and she had been in the practice for 30 years. Her only advice is to keep a close eye on it in case it ruptures. My mind keeps going to dark places. The report mentioned some ugly words which google says they point to malignancy. I keep thinking, what if she hasn’t read the whole report? What it she missed something? Why does google say otherwise? 😭
Help! I haven’t slept nor eaten well in 4 days! Any similar stories where they weren’t sure it’s hemorrhagic but turned out not malignant?