View Full Version : Chest pains - how do you not panic?

13-08-23, 20:30
My week is not getting better just yet - I wrote about my strange, assumed bite (since I don't really know if and what has bit me!) Since I had developed pains in calf and thigh of the bitten leg, I have been spiraling, driven by the fact that I don't have a clue what actually happened to me, what type of insect it was, if not something else, and what it could have given me while in contact with my blood! And since my reaction was pretty bad, with so much swelling and the skin around the bite turning into this big red raised patch, who knows what other reactions my body could have! Hence the fear of the leg pains and a few chest twitches.

But today while I was out I suddenly felt this pain in my chest, right in the middle between breasts, maybe a few cm below. I could feel it in the back too and it was like something was stuck there or stabbing me. I started burping and coughing and it stopped after a few minute's, but I felt it a few more times later! I did feel some heartburn before we went out, I remember I wanted to take gaviscon, but forgot! But the burning feeling was gone soon. The fact I was feeling it right through was worrying me more!

I don't want to run to a&e every time I feel a pain in my chest! But how do I know when I should and shouldn't go! We are going on vacation next Saturday, everything that has happened since last Monday has pretty much already ruined it for me, because I have been worried something will happen to me and I won't even go! I can't start worrying again about my heart or having PE or something!

14-08-23, 00:57
I've had two heart attacks, triple bypass and triple stents. You wouldn't be here seeking reassurance if you had serious heart issues. Besides, you have a explanation in it being indigestion.


14-08-23, 14:16
FMP, thank you. Looks like you have been through a lot with your heart and I value your reply! I tell myself that exactly and that I would probably feel much worse! But if you know health anxiety and you know that there are cases where things are not as clear cut and people do the feel as bad, then you know that it can be really difficult to stay rational once you feel stabbing pain right in the middle of your chest, even when you clearly have some indigestion at the time. I partly just want to hide in the corner until it doesn't come back again, but part of me is worried that will not be good enough and I will not have peace of mind until I get checked out.

16-08-23, 14:00
Still getting the pain around the same area between boobs, front and back, on and off! Had it this morning and again feeling it now.
I tried to get an appointment just to talk it through with a private GP, but you can't even book if you mentioned chest pain, they tell you to go to urgent care immediately :unsure:
My GP is not really helpful. Every time I feel the pain I burp shortly after, or feel gas in my upper stomach, but it is hard to stay calm when you feel sharp pain in the middle of your chest!

16-08-23, 14:14
Every time I feel the pain I burp shortly after, or feel gas in my upper stomach

I started burping and coughing and it stopped after a few minute's, but I felt it a few more times later! I did feel some heartburn before we went out, I remember I wanted to take gaviscon, but forgot!

You have an explanation and solution.


21-08-23, 08:50
I know that Fishmanpa kindly pointed that I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for the pain and reasonable me would agree! I also had done an ECG which was clear.
But the fact is that I have panic and health anxiety and have been pretty bad lately, meaning my ability to believe my rational explanations, at least when symptoms hit, is diminished! But also when the symptoms are not there, there isn't a lot of time I don't think about it coming back and them getting worse!
We are now on vacation and yesterday I had more pain then any other day, just right in the middle between boob and back behind it, first when I was driving on the motorway which I had to try and ignore and then several times in the eveneing. Again, I had some burping every time. But I had issues with excessive bloating and upper stomach air and burping for a long time, never had this type of pain. I did have different type of chest pain, mainly felt muscular. I am trying not to let this completely ruin my vacation, but I am also very fed up with myself because I had an extremely stressful year so far and so needed this break! And now all I think about is this! I worry that I will start having other symptoms too, like nausea and vomiting...

29-11-23, 22:27
Hi Millie, how was your holiday? Have your symptoms cleared up now?