View Full Version : Fever with NO cough/congestion disappeared overnight? Worried

16-08-23, 02:58
Hi all. For the past 3 days, I haven't had proper sleep.

Then yesterday afternoon, I felt something was weighing me down physically. I developed a fever at around 2:30 pm and felt I was hit by a ton of bricks. I felt the usual flu-like symptoms WITHOUT the coughing/congestion: body malaise, weakness, body aches, headaches.

I went home and rested. I still felt hot and weak. Took one paracetamol.

I then woke up at around 5:00 am and felt loads better. Now as I type this, I feel that my energy levels are back to normal as if nothing happened. Just a few mild aches here and there.

I'm concerned that this isn't a flu/cold/covid because I don't have respiratory symptoms.

I poop and urinate fine so I don't think it's gastritis or UTI.

I never had fever/fatigue/body aches without respiratory symptoms so I'm deathly scared that it could be something worse like my body is fighting off the big C or some major autoimmune stuff :(

Anybody else had this experience? Flu like symptoms (without cough/congestion) that suddenly disappeared? :(

16-08-23, 11:41
Many people. There are so many viruses out there and some can manifest just with fever without any other symptoms.

17-08-23, 09:38
The fact that you felt unwell and had a fever would indicate a viral infection. Lots of viral infections can be short lived. A fever is your body's way of fighting off infection. The fact that your temperature is back to normal and you feel better is a good sign that your body is functioning normally. Short lived fevers and feeling unwell can also be caused by the body becoming overheated or dehydrated. I'm glad you're feeling better, and I'm sure you don't have to worry.