View Full Version : Burst blood vessels in legs

16-08-23, 07:45
Can someone help me as I am freaking out here

Currently in Dubai and yesterday I walked and stood for hours in tight shoes and socks. My legs at the bottom are very red but not swallon and I have I think burst a load of blood vessels
Worried sick about it.
For context I’m 45 male, overweight

16-08-23, 12:55
Don't worry! It's just prickly heat, sometimes called heat rash - very, very common in hot or humid countries when you have been walking or standing a lot. It looks extremely scary, looks ugly, covered with hundreds of blood red tiny bumpy spots, but in truth it's totally harmless and benign, and will fade in a couple of weeks or so. My Mum used to get this every time she went on holiday to a warm climate. The first time it happened we sought medical advice and the doctor just said "just prickly heat - join the club" and he rolled up his trouser leg to show that he had it too! My husband gets it now too. I promise you, it's absolutely nothing to worry about, and it will get better. You could always put some Aloe Vera gel on if it's uncomfortable, but you're absolutely fine - enjoy your holiday with no need to worry. Xx