View Full Version : Scared i’m going to drop dead from a blood clot

16-08-23, 16:28
I hope everyone is doing well. This all started in January when I started birth control (i’m off it now) and felt like I had to keep yawning to take a breath but could not yawn. My PCP said it was anxiety and sent me away. Over the past 7 months, I have seen several specialists and none of them have an answer for me besides anxiety and GERD. I have had on and off pains on my right side under my breast when taking a deep breath. All of the shortness of breath and pains have been on and off for 7 months, some days worse than others. In January when this started I saw:

More recently in May, I saw a pulmonologist. The only concern I have is that they have ruled everything out except a pulmonary embolism. I worry that the two months I was on birth control caused it and it’s being missed. It all started around that time. My D dimer was negative in February but they never ordered a CT scan. It’s really freaking me out. What are the chances I have had a pulmonary embolism for 7 months undiagnosed? I am so scared I will drop dead randomly. I just got married and I am supposed to go on my honeymoon next April but i’m scared something bad will happen to me. Do I even bother going to the ER if i’ve had so many tests? I just wish they did a CT scan. Thank you for reading.

16-08-23, 16:48
You do realize you can get hit by a car and die today, right? Having a pulmonary embolism is even less likely.

It's your choice whether you allow this to ruin your life or not.

16-08-23, 21:31
D Dimer tests are VERY rarely wrong. It's a sensitive test that is very good at detecting blood clots. Plus, the chances of developing a blood clot in the 2 months you were on birth control is also VERY unlikely, especially because birth control only slightly increases your chances of getting a blood clot, which is already extraordinarily low. Your body would hardly have even adjusted to the change in hormones in that period of time. Much more likely, as your doctor said, is that you're having anxiety. I could never take birth control because it made my anxiety get out of control. That yawning feeling is such a quintessential anxiety symptom (and what you're describing is not shortness of breath). You would not have an undiagnosed pulmonary embolism for months on end with no true symptoms. The only way you're going to stop the symptoms you do have is to try and overcome the anxiety. No doctor is going to find something physically wrong with you.

17-08-23, 01:20
The only way you're going to stop the symptoms you do have is to try and overcome the anxiety. No doctor is going to find something physically wrong with you.


Erin has been around the block a few times. Heed her advice.


17-08-23, 05:39
A PE for 7 months? No. What's your O2 sat? If normal no PE.

20-08-23, 17:47
You do realize you can get hit by a car and die today, right? Having a pulmonary embolism is even less likely.

It's your choice whether you allow this to ruin your life or not.

You’re 100% right. It’s just so hard for me to accept anxiety can be causing such awful physical symptoms. Thank you for responding

20-08-23, 17:52
D Dimer tests are VERY rarely wrong. It's a sensitive test that is very good at detecting blood clots. Plus, the chances of developing a blood clot in the 2 months you were on birth control is also VERY unlikely, especially because birth control only slightly increases your chances of getting a blood clot, which is already extraordinarily low. Your body would hardly have even adjusted to the change in hormones in that period of time. Much more likely, as your doctor said, is that you're having anxiety. I could never take birth control because it made my anxiety get out of control. That yawning feeling is such a quintessential anxiety symptom (and what you're describing is not shortness of breath). You would not have an undiagnosed pulmonary embolism for months on end with no true symptoms. The only way you're going to stop the symptoms you do have is to try and overcome the anxiety. No doctor is going to find something physically wrong with you.

I read somewhere that d dimer becomes less accurate if you wait long after symptoms appear. I don’t know how true it is but it just all freaked me out. I know I sound crazy, i’m sorry. My brain just won’t allow me to drop it because of the yawning feeling and pain when I take a deep breath. You’re right though and I know i’m wrong. It’s just so hard. I am very grateful for your response and taking the time to help. I will try my best to overcome this anxiety

20-08-23, 17:52

Erin has been around the block a few times. Heed her advice.


I certainly will. Thank you and be well

20-08-23, 17:54
The times I have seen the doctors it was always normal. You’re right, I think I just scared myself reading stories online of people undiagnosed for months or a year. It could be wrong though of course. Thank you for responding

20-08-23, 17:55
A PE for 7 months? No. What's your O2 sat? If normal no PE.

The times I have seen the doctors it was always normal. You’re right, I think I just scared myself reading stories online of people undiagnosed for months or a year. It could be wrong though of course. Thank you for responding

24-08-23, 15:50
My gran had an undiagnosed PE for 2 years not because they missed it but because they told her it was asthma and didn’t do the right tests. It first showed up on a blood test even two years later and then an ultrasound showed she was in heart failure. It was 7cm and the doctors said it was a miracle she wasn’t dead.

I’m not saying this to scare you just so I can tell you your tests would have picked something up and your symptoms would be severe. My gran couldn’t make the bed without getting severely out of breath and had a constant dry cough. It’s not just feeling like you need to yawn.

I don’t think 2 months on the pill would cause it either, my doctor also told me yesterday O2 isn’t normal with a PE when I bought it up to her. You should probably stop reading stories online about it though.