View Full Version : Twitching all over the place, like literally everywhere! HELP

18-08-23, 07:58
Hi Everyone!
I'm twitching constantly everywhere and I HATE IT!
My anxiety is the worst it's ever been in years, I"m hardly keeping it together.
I had my Dr give me a neurology exam for ' you know what' and said it was perfect - so I know it's not that.
But I hate this twitching so much, my thumbs have a tremor, my feet are buzzing, my legs are twitching, my back - everything pops all the time - it's really freaking me out.
Anyone else get this with severe panic attacks. I've had it really bad for three months and I felt like I was making some kind of head way today, and BAM!
Twitching - all over the place, oh followed by those jelly legs, shaking arms so now of course I"m strength testing myself and feel weak but no obvious weakness ... I hate this so much - why can't my rational brain win?!

So twitchers, where are you - please share your stories to make me ( a complete stranger) feel better!

18-08-23, 08:20
Guys, now my thumb Is literally moving by itself!! I hate this so much.

18-08-23, 08:55
I had twitching all over my body 24/7, for a year. It was my first anxiety symptom. It sent me down an ALS spiral which then put me in the endless anxiety over my anxiety loop. 8 years later and we’re still here!
The twitches stopped after a year but the moment I get upset or angry about something, I still twitch somewhere

18-08-23, 09:51
Thank you! Yep I went to the dr about it - she said anxiety - did a Neuro test and it was fine / perfect in fact / she said. So I know it’s anxiety but it still gives me anxiety. It’s like I’m weak and not strong enough to fight back - my anxiety is controlling me

19-08-23, 13:35
Hello , I’ve had twitching for years to . I have sever anxiety never ends so that’s why I think mine has stayed. I also have sever shakiness / weak feeling but some day I don’t even feel it when my anxiety is better. I convinced myself once I couldn’t walk

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20-08-23, 06:17
Thank you - this is me. I've just read about the Amygdala being over active and creating severe anxiety so I'm going to try some tips to stop this. I just did skipping rope and now I've got twitching legs all over the place!!! OMG ... I really hate intrusive anxiety thoughts, I need to find a way to make peace with them.

21-08-23, 06:01
Anyone get shaky legs as well??? My anxiety is finally getting better but I've still go really shaky legs!!!

21-08-23, 06:35

21-08-23, 07:13
Yes mine come and go

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11-09-23, 07:12
Still twitching one month in = doesn't seem to be easing up! I hate it!!!!!