View Full Version : Anyone know anything about cyst on ovaries

18-08-23, 22:34
Can anyone decipher this report and tell me whether I have a 24.7mm cyst or a 7.7756 cm cyst?

Cyst(s) Size 23 mm x 23 mm x 28 mm. Mean 24.7 mm. Vol 7.756 cm

29-08-23, 21:00
Can anyone decipher this report and tell me whether I have a 24.7mm cyst or a 7.7756 cm cyst?

Cyst(s) Size 23 mm x 23 mm x 28 mm. Mean 24.7 mm. Vol 7.756 cm

The 7.756 is the volume of your cyst (how much space is on the inside of it). I'm not an expert, but I just googled and the way they calculate volume is to do the length x width x breath x 0.523. So if you convert the mm to cm you get 2.3 x 2.3 x 2.8 x 0.523 = 7.746676 (which you could round to 7.756 cm). So the average length of each side of the cyst is 24.7mm (2.47 cm) and the space inside of it (like a cube, but not because it's roundish) is 7.756 cm.

It looks like (again, based on my own googling) that they tend to go by diameter when classifying risk of torsion and such, so for that metric, it would be the 24.7 mm (2.47cm), which seems pretty small. Obviously, I'd just ask your doctor for more official clarification if you want more info!