View Full Version : Skin cancer worries

19-08-23, 21:58
Hi, I have been waiting to see a dermatologist for about a year now due to cancellations and moved appointments..now my appointment is Monday so I may finely get some answers.I’ve had a reddish mark on my arm for over a year but last year it only really started to worry me. I don’t think it has changed but sometimes when I look at it , it looks different? I feel like my mind sometimes plays on me. Anyway the doctors originally didn’t think it was anything to worry about but I went so many times they just refered me to a derm. but the issue is they couldn’t tell me what it was and why it wasn’t going as I have heard that a mark that doesn’t go after 4 weeks is most defo cancer!! I’m scared when I go to my derm appointment they will tell me it’s cancer and it’ll of spread because of how long I’ve had to wait! I’m scared even though everyone around me thinks it’s nothing !!! Advice please cos what else could a mark on my arm be that’s lasted so long !!