View Full Version : So anxious!

20-08-23, 21:41
My health anxiety has reared its ugly head again.
I had my baby via planned csection April this year so I'm not sure if this is connected or not. (I also had an emergency csection in 2017 but sure I didn't have this symptoms after that)
A few weeks ago I hurt my stomach when I leaned on something too hard. That had me repeatedly checking my stomach out of anxiety and I noticed that just above my belly button, I have a numb patch that is about 3 inches long and 2 inches wide.
I can feel myself touching it but it's quite numb if that makes sense?
Also if something rubs against that patch of skin, it feels very sensitive and almost sore.
I'm not sure if it being numb that high up could be to do with me have a csection?

Also I keep getting a random numb, tingly sensation in my back. It's more over to the right and happens in the middle or upper part. It only usually lasts a few seconds and if I touch it or move my clothing it goes.
I've had this for years on and off.
I'm also having a problem with my second toe on my left foot. Since about may, I have been getting a really painful burning sensation in the bottom of the toe and about a month ago it swelled up and I couldn't move it for about 2 days. I went to the Dr's and she just said to rest it. The swelling went down but I'm still getting the pain on and off.

I'm really freaking out about ms. I'm 34 now and when I was 17, I had a very odd period when I was ill with some of virus and I had double vision for 2 weeks. I saw the optician and he said it was because I have a lazy eye and I had to wear an eye patch until it gradually corrected itself. If the double vision was due to ms back then, would the optician have been able to tell?
Around that same time, I had two periods where I woke up with a dead arm where I had been laying on it and it spread to my face both times! That really freaked me out and the Dr said trapped nerve but now I'm wondering if they were actually ms symptoms back then and now I'm having a relapse?

Also is it normal to often get random tingles on your body, does everyone get that?

I'm going to see the Dr tomorrow or Tuesday anyway because I have to about something else but I'm terrified he's going to say I need a brain scan xx

20-08-23, 21:47
That's a dive off the deep end TBH.


20-08-23, 22:32
Thank you for replying.
I know it probably is 🙈 I really hope it is anyway.
My health anxiety has returned with a vengeance since my mum passed away last August, my health anxiety had got a lot better and now I'm suddenly terrified of anything medical again and terrified of the dentist again!

25-08-23, 20:35
All of the things you're describing are normal - especially after having a baby. I've not had a c-section, but I've had two abdominal surgeries and had tons of numb places for months after. Even though they didn't cut you were you're feeling the numbness they do a local anesthetic in the area and all kinds of nerve blocks which could easily affect areas beyond the actual incision. As for tingles and all that - some part of my body is tingling or twitching or falling asleep basically always. Think of the stress your back just went through during pregnancy, the way your joints loosen up and shift and then try to get back into place.