View Full Version : Proteus mirabilis infection!!! Please help me!

21-08-23, 17:42
I’ve just been told I have a UTI caused my p.mirabilis. My wee has smelt like rotten eggs since Tuesday and I’ve had on and off pain when I wee!

I’ve never heard of this bacteria before, but I’ve read it has a 50% mortality rate and it can cause sepsis quickly!!

I am absolutely terrified. I have been given antibiotics and just started them now. But I’m freaking out!!!

21-08-23, 18:16
Where did you see that it has a 50% mortality rate?
I had never heard of it and Googled it, and every site I read it says it's very easily treatable with antibiotics. And I didn't see anything about a high mortality rate.

22-08-23, 19:37
I think you are selectively reading. From NIH: "Symptoms generally resolve without complications in immunocompetent patients. Immunocompromised patients can be at higher risk for sepsis or prolonged infections."

Unless you are a severely immunocompromised patient, this will subside with treatment like the vast majority of UTIs. This is true of all UTIs (that they pose a greater risk to immunocompromised patients), not just this strain of bacteria. I'm pretty sure whatever you read was about "complicated UTIs," which are those among the high risk population.