View Full Version : Has anyone experienced sudden dizzy spells with anxiety?

24-08-23, 15:31
Hey, I have a history of HA as you can probably see from my previous posts from years ago. I managed to get it under control when I started work. I’m out of work at the moment however, which has caused some general anxiety around the stresses of life as I look for another job. The thing is as we all know anxiety comes with physical symptoms that can be not so pleasant. I’m trying to not set off my HA again but today hasn’t been so great so I thought I would reach out to some people who understand.

I went out to run some errands. I had to go to the pharmacy first which went ok. I then stopped and got a milkshake before heading to the store to get some food. I get a bit overwhelmed going out these days especially when it’s busy, I think from too much staying in with nothing to do. I was experiencing slight vertigo the whole time but coping with the unsteady feeling. When I got to the store however I could feel my anxiety rising a bit. I was thinking I just want to go home now as I have a headache. So I told myself it would be ok and it was just quick in and out the shop. As soon as I walked through the doors of the shop I got extremely dizzy and sort of stumbled to the side and had to hold onto the fridges. This has happened a few times the last weeks but was worse today. I managed to get around and back home and now it’s gone. I’m just a little freaked out. Other than that milkshake I hadn’t eaten a whole lot today and I didn’t sleep well last night so I guess that could play in but has anyone experienced sudden dizziness like this with anxiety? I didn’t think I even felt that anxious before getting into the store to be honest. Just trying not to spiral now and think of all the bad things it could be, I think a recent storyline in one of the soaps has put ideas in my head. Won’t say what it is so I don’t trigger others some may know.

25-08-23, 09:50
Yes I have had this over the past few weeks. I went shopping last week and had a panic over something and thought I was going to fall over with dizziness. I mentioned it to my therapist and she said lightheadedness is a sign of panic and anxiety.

26-08-23, 22:24
Yes, absolutely. I get this whenever I'm going through an anxious phase. It's horrible, but harmless. Don't worry. It's very, very common. Big hugs. Xx

30-09-23, 12:45
Hey back on this thread again with another dizzyness symptom. I was scrolling on my phone in bed last night and had this odd wave of dizzyness almost felt like a surge of adrenaline but I’m not sure it last a few seconds and I had to grip the duvet as it felt like I was falling. I was completely relaxed before that but had a stressful day.

Then 5 minutes later my leg sort of jerked which scared me even more. Has anyone had similar?

02-10-23, 02:59
Me :) It's very common. I used to spin in circles saying out loud "go on then do your worst!" Sounds weird but it helped.