View Full Version : pls I need reassurance - aspirated reflux?

25-08-23, 07:09
Last night I came home super tired and super hungry, so I ate a big meal and like an idiot I slept after that (brushed my teeth first though). Anyway, woke up this morning with a weird taste in my mouth, and I realized that I was tasting the stew I ate last night. This sent me into 'worry mode' since I keep thinking that I might have vomited or had reflux in my sleep. The problem is I didn't wake up, so I am scared that I might have aspirated it all into my lungs and that I am going to get aspiration pneumonia.
I kind of need reassurance because I am so scared and now I am super conscious of my breathing :S

25-08-23, 07:29
You need to learn to reassure yourself.

25-08-23, 07:34
Many times, I succeed but this time I feel too much of a fear because I am so scared of aspiration pneumonia and this didn't happen while I was awake so I am so scared that I inhaled reflux and couldn't choke because I was asleep. And I've read GERD and sleeping are risk factors :(

Sorry if I seem incoherent, I am just so scared

25-08-23, 07:47
It's okay, really, but you need to use your logic.

25-08-23, 08:01
I will try :( Maybe writing it will help...

On the logical side: Aspiration pneumonia is rare in those under 50 even if they aspirated. Millions have GERD and don't get aspiration pneumonia from reflux in their sleep. ??

On my panicked side: Those with GERD and get reflux in their sleep are at risk for aspiration pneumonia!!

My panicked side keeps winning. Like what if I didn't choke and wake up because it all disappeared into my lung. And I can't shake the taste of food from my mouth :(

25-08-23, 09:36
You shouldn't know what aspiration pneumonia is.

Just evaluate whether you want to spend your life worrying about something that has less than 0.01% chance of happening or not? If you want to worry about this, worry about plane crash, getting hit by a car, getting bitten by a shark as well...There IS a chance for almost everything.