View Full Version : Twitching, twitching and more twitching

25-08-23, 13:53
I've been on this forum for way too long. Had a lot of good days/weeks without any issues, but also had some pretty bad ones.

I've started twitching in January last year and since I did twitch 12 years ago or so I didn't pay too much attention to it. But, when you are calm about it, it usually gets better. Mine has gotten worse, much worse. 24/7 twitches in right biceps, left eyelid, then, right calf, left biceps and occasional twitches in other parts, right eyelid, back, triceps, chest, stomach...

Recently, right calf muscle is tight all day long.

No doctor yet, no noticeable atrophy, I don't feel any weakness, aside from that calf muscles issue. Tried Magnesium, B12, and every other supplement on this planet. No help.

I'll try to give myself 4 months, until the end of the year. Take it day by day. Googling is forbidden. Hopefully I'll make it before new, worse symptoms emerge. On January first, if I am where I am now in terms of symptoms I am done with this anxiety hell for good.

Day 1/127

26-08-23, 16:22
I’ve also had twitching for years. I recently had a mental breakdown and they’ve become worse

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26-08-23, 17:29
Thank you for sharing 🙏

I am trying to keep it together by saying that I would probably be a case study person with bidy wide twitching that presented before weaknesss that would prevent me from doing regular tasks, so I am functioning.

It still affects the mood to an extent.

26-08-23, 21:19
I know exactly how you feel with the twitching, mines calmed down since they started in June but still get them daily and lo and behold when writing this just had one in left calf! I’m not a dr but I think it’s your health anxiety playing with your mind again. Just Don’t Google!

26-08-23, 21:33
I too am a twitcher. Even more so when i am in a phase of worrying about ALS. Its awful so i sympathise!!

27-08-23, 01:34
Thank you for your support, means a lot 🙏

27-08-23, 14:20
Muscle twitching is a symptom of low magnesium, considering 70% of us are deficient in magnesium you may want to try this supplement. (Some forms are better absorbed than others, do your research on magnesium supplements)

27-08-23, 15:09
Tried it. A lot of different ones, zero success

27-08-23, 22:19
Just as i sit here writing this is feel a twitch in my right forearm, my left bicep, my left thigh, both calves and the arches of my feet are twitching constantly (but I usually cant feel these, just see them

27-08-23, 22:26
Right calf, left eyelid, right biceps and the right foot are my 24/7 go to twitches that I can feel :)

28-08-23, 03:37
I remember making a ton of posts on here about twitches back in 2018-2019... one of the worst rabbit holes I've ever went down. From my experience, they eventually became so routine to my daily life that I NEVER notice them anymore. And if I do, I think "oh its just a twitch". I used to hyperfocus on them a lot back then, which made it infinitely worse. You said you started twitching 12 years ago and you are still here! I'm no doctor but you are stronger than your twitches!

28-08-23, 07:47
This is when the first twitch appeared, but it was only for a week or so and then I maybe had couple of days of twitching at most in the following year.

This is different as there is not improvement, but it's getting worse, and it's lasting 19months

28-08-23, 08:24
Mines right calf, left calf, left bicep, bum, back, neck that I can feel… i tried magnesium did nothing for me.. I agree it is one of the worst rabbit holes to ever go down with health anxiety. I never had twitches before so when I started with them, first time of having them with health anxiety, I googled and that was the worse thing I ever did. Mine are random but I still get anxious when I have one.. you just need to learn to ignore but easier said then done..

28-08-23, 10:36
I’ve had twitches for last 4 years or so. Given they aren’t constant I don’t worry about them anymore. They are massively related to stress, my eye is always kicking off and worrying about it just makes them worse

Obviously the first thing people think of is ‘ALS’. Twitches on their own aren’t a symptom of ALS, it’s nearly always accompanied by muscle wasting and weakness. If you have none of those 99.9% chance the twitching is benign

28-08-23, 11:52
Thanks. I am pretty much aware of all of that and I've stopped worrying about twitching until it had become constant and progressively getting worse.

Going to gym is still keeping me from going mental about this.

30-08-23, 10:33
My knee is twitching like mad today and not sure what’s up with it as it has been previously widespread but today on the knee… not sure what’s going on with mine so now anxiety levels very high again with all this!

31-08-23, 13:57
Day 7/127

I haven't Googled for the past week which is good.

My calf is getting worse. The pain is almost constant, even when resting. Like my calf mucle is way too tight/cramped.

For the next couole if days I will try not to test anything as I might be making it worse on my own, but then again, why is the left one fine.

01-09-23, 05:05
I have twitching and just my left leg. I think I fix it on that leg because I have a little bit of numbness. I have been checked out by a provider which they informed me it’s anxiety and it’s also been several years so at this point, I have a separate as that. But like I said, when I am stressed, I feel like come on very bad

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02-09-23, 13:20
Calf is getting worse. The right one is sore all the time and hurts when walking.

Twitching is also getting worse but calf issue worries me more.

08-09-23, 10:45
Day 15

This thing is not giving me a break. Calf tightness, non stop twitching plus started having a feeling like my tongue is swollen and huge amount of saliva in my mouth all the time.

I would appreciate if it would give me a break a bit.

14-09-23, 20:27
Day 21/127

Right calf is better. Still a bit tight but less than before. That's a positive thing. On the negative side, excessive salivation is huge. Like I literally have to swallow every 15-20 seconds and when I talk I have to be conscious to move saliva back so I don't spit someone. First time I have this stupid symptom, and it sucks.

01-10-23, 16:58
Day 37/127

Woke up this morning again with a huge wet patch on the pillow from the overnight droolkng.excessive saliva in mouth stil a thing, right calf still aches twitching never stopped.

Since bulbar and limb ALS onaet together is impossible I would have to pick on I guess.
Fortunately, even though I am twitching since January 2022 no muscle weakness or atrophy yet and my speech is fine, considering that saliva often causes me to stop in the middle of the sentence. But no one ask me if I am drunk yet.

Approaching soon 1/3rd of time u til the New Year. Hope nothing new happens.

24-10-23, 17:58
Hi Hypo, it's clear this is still something you're dealing with. In your first post you said you hadn't seen a doctor yet, have you done this since? It might help reassure you with your symptoms.

One thing I'm wondering is if keeping a diary/log like this is doing more harm than good. Whilst it can be useful to track the progression of things, if these twitches and sensations are symptoms of anxiety then I'm worried logging it is only going to make you focus on it more. Perhaps you'd benefit from a mindset shift which puts your mind on other things instead of focussing on your symptoms so much.

What do you think?

24-10-23, 19:20
I've visited doctor today, but a psychiatrist. She said I don't have hypochondria and I wasn't properly treated before with antidepressants as I am not depressed as well and I don't need to increase serotonin levels but to reduce dopamine. She said my diagnosis is "somatoform disorder" (basically, manifesting anxiety through physical symptoms) and she has put me on a low dose on an antipsychotic drug (quetiapine) which they use (off-label) for these situations in smaller doses.

She said this will help so we will see.

26-10-23, 22:10
I've just realized today that I also have deviated uvula (that hangy thing in the back of the throat). Just adding it to the list of s**t!

26-10-23, 23:53
This has been going on since August. Obviously, if you're that concerned, see a doctor. That said, that very fact that you've felt compelled to stare down the back of your throat is a standard OCD HA behavior. Who, under any normal circumstance does this? :shrug:


27-10-23, 11:51
I would assume anyone with HA 🤷*♂️