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26-08-23, 13:26
I'm bleeding when I have a pee. Fresh blood and some a little darker. It also stings when I pee. And it's sore in that area most of the time.
I finished my periods 20 years ago.
I'm in a very worried state.
Has anyone else had anything similar?
Please be gentle with your answers.
Thank you.

26-08-23, 14:20
Could be a uti Mrs.C

Up your water intake to flush it out. Cranberry tablets….. Boots sell stuff for Cystitis. If it doesn’t work within a few days, you may need antibiotics.

26-08-23, 14:29
Thanks darksky. I'd rejected cystitis because I'm a regular drinker of fluids... 10 cups of tea, 4 glasses of water, 2 glasses of juice daily. Plus salads and fruits that contain mostly water. My pee is golden yellow mostly too.
Thanks for replying, I do appreciate it. x

26-08-23, 14:33
Hi Carnation,
Yes I’ve I’d that on 3 occasions and it was cystitis...
The first time I got it, it was bad it was like weeing blood and the sensation of it was horrible when you went to the toilet, it stung and a burning feeling. That time I had to have antibiotics and that cleared it, the other times I just drank plenty of fluids to flush it out, Cranberry juice is supposed to be good,
Don’t worry Carnation, it’s nothing serious, it’s very uncomfortable and not pleasant and can be sorted easily.

sending a big hug...:bighug1:

26-08-23, 15:50
Could still be cystitis. Wouldn’t hurt to nip to Boots and ask the pharmacists advice on their products.


I think it’s something most women get at times.

26-08-23, 16:26
Thank you YNWA
I think you are right. I'm very grateful for your reply x

Darksky, thank you too and for the link. I've got some cystopurin and I'm drinking cranberry juice like there's no tomorrow. I never thought it could be cystitis but its clear to me now. Thank you for responding x

27-08-23, 07:43

27-08-23, 14:32
Thanks catkins x

29-08-23, 18:15
An update....
It's day 4 and the stinging and burning went on day 2.
I still feel sore, more when sitting.
No more blood since the Saturday.
Feel ok generally but.....
I can't get it out of my head with the bleeding. I'm constantly checking and peering in the loo.
My anxiety wants to convince me it's danger, so I'm having a hard time with that.
I'm hoping time will heal that.
Today was the first time I went out since the incident so was a bit shaky but I got through it. :wacko:

01-09-23, 10:49
I've come back to this thread because I think I have a vaginal tear. I'm quite sore in that area. It would make sense with the bleeding and it can initially cause the stinging / burning sensation. I took the course of sachets for cystitis but the stinging cleared up after 1 day. My wee is a beautiful golden yellow colour and has been for days, actually it has been clear on numerous occasions, probably from the excessive fluids I've been downing.
So it's day 7 and my vagina area is sore, like 90% of the time. In the vulva area. So I'm thinking that's more likely to be the issue. I know the area can get dry as you age. And the day I bled I gave myself a good scrub with a roughish flannel. I don't know why I did that, I've never done it before, I normally use my hand to clean. It was moments after that I bled. Is that a coincidence?

01-09-23, 11:14
I tore myself like that yesterday, I was itchy and scratched when I shouldn't, and it's sore as all heck.

01-09-23, 11:38
Have you changed your washing powder lately? Not that it would cause bleeding but it would lead to irritation..

01-09-23, 11:39
It's really sore BlueIris. :hugs:
Seems to ease if I stand but sitting just puts pressure on it. Trouble is it's so difficult to see that area unless you are a contortionist. :wacko:
There's not much information on vaginal tears / soreness, unfortunately.

01-09-23, 11:41
Same washing powder for me.
I've thrown away the rough flannel. Honestly it was like a scourer. BlueIris, I only did it because I was itching as well, probably the heat in the night. I bled soon after.

01-09-23, 11:51
Ah, so you saw the blood after you’d scrubbed?

That may well explain it. Was the stinging after you’d scrubbed as well?

01-09-23, 12:10
More or less darksky. It was the pee that followed the scrub that the blood appeared with the stinging and burning. What a stupid thing to do. Wash your vagina with a more or less a scourer. What was I thinking? :blush:

01-09-23, 12:15
I bled for the next 4 pees, all within a couple of hours. Two of those pees were not wee (felt like it) but was just blood. Then it stopped and dry as bone since (a week) not even a pinprick of residue in my pants. Just this soreness and being tender if I sit or lie in a certain position.
The bumpy country road I drove on yesterday did me no favours.

01-09-23, 12:30
Back soon I’ve got to go and cook my mothers dinner.

01-09-23, 14:12
I certainly sounds like you’ve cut yourself. Maybe that’s why it was stinging when you went for a pee. Urine over a cut will certainly sting. Keep it clean and it should heal.
When I had my eldest I tore and the nurse said give it a good scrub:ohmy: I thought no chance, you sadist.

01-09-23, 15:11
No definitely no scrubbing darksky :ohmy: what was she thinking.
I'm not in any pain, just sore and uncomfortable. I must admit I didn't want to touch the area after the bleeding. I had a look in a mirror with a torch which was unbelievably awkward to say the least. But because I'm not in the habit of doing that I couldn't see anything that would indicate a problem. I feel ok generally and I'm still doing my daily tasks. It's just a niggle and a thought provoking situation.
Still got the bloated tummy, full of wind, but that might be anxiety.
Thanks for replying darksky x
How's your mum? And your foot?

01-09-23, 16:22
Hope you feel better soon C. Maybe dab a bit of Vaseline where it is sore to help it heal.

01-09-23, 16:35
Yes Vaseline will be good.

My mothers OK thank you Mrs.C. Well she has a bad toe that won’t heal properly but getting a District Nurse out is like getting royalty to see to it. My ankle is better but sore over the ankle bone. There’s ligaments there so I reckon I’ve partially torn one. Still it’s not stopping me, it’s quite stable when strapped up.

01-09-23, 17:20
Vaseline a great tip. Thanks Scass :yesyes:

It would take a lot to halt you darksky. I'm a bit that way myself. Even when I had my bad arm I was gardening with the one good one. I still can't straighten it. Maybe I will eventually become the bionic woman, lol.

How are you feeling BlueIris?

01-09-23, 17:23
Still at work, Carnation, I'm shattered.

01-09-23, 18:06
That's late BlueIris. Does it mean hubby is on meal duty?

01-09-23, 18:56
I was only working that late because I was waiting for him, so we went to a Turkish restaurant.

01-09-23, 19:02
Nice :yesyes:

01-09-23, 21:01
Well I’ve heard it all now Carnation, scrubbing your lady bits with a Brillo like flannel and then trying to do a contortionist act with a mirror to see what you’d done.....it’s like a carry on film.....:roflmao:

Bet you won’t do that again in a hurry....xxx

01-09-23, 22:01
I know YNWA and I admit doing it!
It's a fact that most injuries are self-inflicted?

02-09-23, 10:27
I'm back here again,lol.
Just had a thought....
I wonder if I had a cyst burst. It would explain the weird brown gunge.
I don't blame anyone for telling me to 'shut up'. :blush:

02-09-23, 10:35
Could be. I have a tendency to get cysts 'downstairs' and the rough flannel may have aggrevated it so it burst? When they burst on me it tends to be a creamy mixture with blood mixed in.

I was thinking about the irritation, could you get something like vagisil? Just to use for a short while? I get a lot of menopausal dryness and irritation and I have a hormone pessary which I use that helps. Alternatively, have you ruled out thrush? That can be incredibly uncomfortable too.

02-09-23, 11:07
Oh yes, I wondered about thrush, but there's no discharge that I can see. No itching. And you wouldn't bleed with thrush, would you? Just a very uncomfortable feeling, like it's been ripped, stretchered, sore, like an afterbirth feeling. Cramping in the lower part of the stomach and bloating, quite a bit of wind. I think the stomach boats to protect. I had a very gentle meal last night.. Fish with new potatoes and peas. But I don't think diet is the issue here.
Whether it was cystitis, a tear, thrush or a cyst, I'm definitely feeling the after affects of it.
It also happened BH weekend, everywhere shut but managed to find a corner shop chemist an hour before they closed.
Not only that a woman will understand I seriously don't want to be touched down there for investigation. It's sore as hell.
Thanks for replying catkins and the tip about vagisil. x

02-09-23, 14:16
Yes, it's thrush. Just looked it up. Paper like cut feeling, white discharge.
Just had one of those kaleidoscope aura migraine things.
Think I got the bright sun in my eyes that kicked it off.
They are awful, so scary. Now I've got a thumping head.
Lol, you have to laugh otherwise you'd cry.

02-09-23, 16:23
You are going through the mill at the minute. Mrs.C. :flowers:

If it is thrush, you can get stuff from the chemist I think.
The aura migraines are scary but short lived and are harmless. I’ve never had a headache with mine. Are they connected or is it a stress response headache?

02-09-23, 16:37
It can be stress, it can be bright lights, it can also be dehydration, as far as I know.

02-09-23, 20:31
Dehydration kicks off my migraines. But I don't get auras.

04-09-23, 18:10
I was seen by the pharmacist today and it wasn't planned
I went in to the doctors dispensary and asked for something for thrush. The assistant asked why I thought I had it, grabbed the pharmacist and I ended up in a small room explaining the why and wherefores. I was shaking. Though I was going to pass out or be carted off to the doctor for examination. Anyway she says I don't have thrush, thinks its highly unlikely I had cystitis as well from the facts and thinks it was all from the hard flannel clean.
I'm now a combination of relieved and shaken from an the unexpected interrogation. But at least have answers.

04-09-23, 20:22
Is there any chance you could drop a urine sample off at the GP? At least they will be able to rule an infection in or out. If it’s clear, then at least that would put your mind at rest. If you still have an infection (and some can be stubborn), a dose of antibiotics would clear it up pronto. I am scared of the doctors, so understand if you are fearful too, but as a sufferer of UTIs and kidney infections, know what a pain they can be.

04-09-23, 20:55
Thanks Darwin. I'm feeling much better now.

04-09-23, 23:21
Glad you’ve got it sorted Mrs.C. Chuck that hard flannel in the bin:winks:

05-09-23, 05:34
Well done Carnation for getting it sorted. They seem to know an awful lot these days and easier to get a response from a pharmacist than a doctor.

05-09-23, 08:42
Thanks darksky and catkins x
Although I'm still sore. And my mind is still in overdrive about the whole thing, especially the blood! Health Anxiety in overdrive and the fact I still feel off isn't helping.

05-09-23, 16:58
She didn't give you a soothing cream or gel to try? I would definitely consider something topical.

05-09-23, 18:47
No, nothing catkins :shrug:

06-09-23, 06:02
I would still consider getting something.

06-09-23, 09:24
I got some vagisil with my online delivery but when I mentioned it to the pharmacist she said you are better just using plain water. :shrug:
What doesn't help is my tummy is off and I don't know whether that is connected, acid or anxiety. But that's opened a can of worms as far as my brain is concerned.

06-09-23, 17:07
I would try the vagisil, I don't think it'll do you any harm, but will make you more comfortable. Tummy is more than likely a combination of acid and anxiety.

06-09-23, 18:46
That's what I thought catkins, thank you x
I'm not knocking pharmacists because they generally do a great job and have a vast amount of knowledge but I did come away not knowing much about more than when I went in. Plus coming out empty handed.