View Full Version : Trigger warning. Sudden cardiac death of cousin

29-08-23, 23:58
Hi everyone

I used to post on here alot with anxiety, which was controlled. Then developed panic attacks. Went on Sertraline. This turned me into an alcoholic zombie. Came off it.

I was doing great with life and alcohol when last week my 54 year old cousin was found dead. I am so devastated for all the family and him. I can’t believe it’s happened

A post mortem (autopsy) was conducted but nothing could be found physically to explain his death. It’s now up to toxicology which could take up to 6 months.

I’m finding it so difficult - impossible even - to process. How can someone die and have nothing found at post mortem? I just can’t process anything. I’m a complete mess. And now every heart beat I feel fearing I’m going to go into cardiac arrest

Has this happened to anyone else

I don’t even know why I’m posting here. Just need to let it off my chest

30-08-23, 10:20
Sending you condolences. It sounds like you are in shock which is a totally normal response to a sudden unexpected death. The most important thing right now is to restore as much calm and safety to your life as possible. Be somewhere safe with safe people and/or comforting pets - where you feel safe and comfortable. If you respond well to remedies such as Rescue Remedy, or Ashwaganda, they can be very helpful during a time like this. Make sure you are hydrated and well fed. It's all about self care and giving yourself lots of time to process what's happened.