View Full Version : Bone spur on side of knee?

31-08-23, 02:06
I was rubbing my knee tonight and noticed a very small little bump on the side of my knee below the knee cap. I don't have one on the other knee and I've never felt it before despite episodes of checking my knee during pain flare ups. It doesn't move and there is zero pain or swelling. Could this just be like a bone spur? I'm close to hitting 40 so is it common to start getting something like this? I assume the lack of main and swelling should minimize the likelihood of something sinister?

06-09-23, 08:56
Is it round and does it compress when pressed? Does it change size, especially after using your legs a lot?

I have a ganglion cyst just to the side of my knee cap. If yours is around the knee joint it could be a cyst caused by injury, although they sometimes hurt.

11-09-23, 20:41
Thank you for the reply. No, it doesn't fluctuate in any way. It feels hard, like it's part of the bone. When I look at pictures of bone spurs around the knee, it shows little bumps around the gap in your knee, which is right where this bump is located - on the end of the bone going into the gap. When I fully bend my knee it goes into the gap as the bone moves and you cannot feel it.

I had to switch to a new doctor and he said it felt like an inclusion cyst, but Google says that's in the epidermis. This isn't in the skin. its right up next to the bone. He just told it felt very small, smaller than a BB and to keep an eye on it, so my mind is in panic over osteosarcoma or synovial sarcoma. Since there is no pain at all, I am trying to rule out osteo and since I THINK its attached to the bone I'm trying to rule out soft tissue tumor for sarcoma, but it's a struggle. Basically in the just wait to see if it grows point to rush back to doctor.