View Full Version : Can extreme and sudden onset of stress cause hair loss

31-08-23, 12:16
Hi all, just a quick question that I don't want to google.
My 15yr old daughter has had an extremely stressful week. I don't want to go into the details of it but one minute everything was good for her and in an instant her world was turned upside down.
The last week has been so stressful and emotional for her, and for me also because there's nothing worse than seeing your child like this, knowing you can't fix it for them.
She said to me last night after her shower that a lot of her hair had fallen out. I kind of took no notice until I went to shower a while ago and the drain was clogged with hairs. I pulled out a huge clump of hairs that were mostly hers (I knew this because of the colour).
Can the sudden onset of stress do this? I've heard of it but don't know if it's true or if it's just a myth.

31-08-23, 12:25
Yes, absolutely! My sister-in-law had to get injections from her dermatologist to get hair growth back, because she had actual bald spots on her head from stress.
And I've seen this personally from other people too. Not a myth, definitely true!

03-09-23, 01:23
It can, but there are typically several months between the stressor and the appearance of hair loss. It happens because the stress hormones force the hair follicles into resting phase, which doesn’t happen in a week. Are you sure she hasn’t been under serious stress for awhile, and just maybe hasn’t said anything?

05-09-23, 08:39
Thank you both for your replies.
She definitely hasn't been under stress for a while - the stress in her life now only happened about 2 weeks ago.
I don't know if this could have anything to do with it but over the summer she started making a spray for her hair with rosemary and mint. She boiled them in a pot of water, made it herself and for a few weeks was spraying it onto her hair. I don't see how that could cause hair loss, is it even a possibility?

06-09-23, 07:58
I definitely notice significant hair loss when I am very anxious and going through something, then I might notice it again a few months later.

09-09-23, 01:57
Do you know why she’s been doing that? Rosemary and mint are common holistic treatments for hair loss. Why would she be applying a hair loss treatment if she wasn’t already experiencing hair loss?

I’m not trying to sound argumentative, just genuinely trying to help! I suffer from androgenetic alopecia which took a long time to be diagnosed so hair loss is something I know a lot about.

11-09-23, 10:49
Do you know why she’s been doing that? Rosemary and mint are common holistic treatments for hair loss. Why would she be applying a hair loss treatment if she wasn’t already experiencing hair loss?

I’m not trying to sound argumentative, just genuinely trying to help! I suffer from androgenetic alopecia which took a long time to be diagnosed so hair loss is something I know a lot about.

As far as I know she was just using the rosemary and mint to try to strengthen her hair. She got it cut shortish months ago and is trying to grow it long again. She came across it online but said there was great reviews about it - people were raving that their hair was getting stronger. She hasn't used it in a few weeks so I'm hoping she'll stay away from it for a while. If she uses it again I'll certainly question her more on why she's using it.