View Full Version : High MPO - Cardio-vascular disease marker

31-08-23, 20:34
Hi All. I'm in a bit of a tizzy at the moment. I just came back from my annual physical exam. My doctors does a large battery of tests, including a bunch of cardiac tests through the Cleveland Clinic. Most of my stuff was perfectly normal or just on the slightly elevated level. But, this one marker - MPO - was very high. The high risk range starts at 549 and mine was 601. Last year it was 511. This is a marker of vascular inflammation, which is used to predict increased risk in cardiac disease including blood clots, sudden cardiac death, heart attack, etc... It's considered an independent risk factor, meaning that even though all my other numbers were ok, it doesn't mean I'm not at high risk for heart attack JUST because of this. I'm 40, so on the young side, but not THAT young and certainly not too young to have a heart attack. My doctor wants to repeat the test in 3 months and is hoping it might be a bit of a fluke, but it's really got me anxious. I've been very unhealthy the last few years and I've had Covid twice. It's a good reminder to get serious about changing my diet and activity level, but it's scared me a lot too that I have already done so much damage to my body. Has anyone else had this particular test done?

I'm just feeling very overwhelmed. I've wanted to lose weight and improve my health for a long time and I just always get so overwhelmed by it. Now this is making me feel even more flustered and trapped - like I have to succeed now, but it's so difficult. It just made me feel really scared about what these years of Covid - during which I gained 30-40 pounds and stopped exercising - has done to my body.

01-09-23, 09:49
Hi Erin
Sorry you are going through this.
I'm researching rare side effects from covid 19 vaccination. Thought I'd share it with you, as if it is a factor you can share with your doctor and work towards a plan accordingly.
Please take a look at this report:

01-09-23, 13:14
Erin, don't go down the deadly jab nonsense please. The negative reactions are very, very rare and not even worth taking into consideration at this point.


01-09-23, 13:42
Hi Erin
Sorry you are going through this.
I'm researching rare side effects from covid 19 vaccination. Thought I'd share it with you, as if it is a factor you can share with your doctor and work towards a plan accordingly.
Please take a look at this report:

Thanks, peg! I haven’t had a Covid vaccine since 2021 though and my test last year was much lower. I have had Covid twice though which I know can also cause long term inflammation. I’m hoping it’s just kind of a fluke and will be down at 3 months. But it is definitely a wake up call to fix my lifestyle.

06-09-23, 01:31
Erin, don't go down the deadly jab nonsense please. The negative reactions are very, very rare and not even worth taking into consideration at this point.


Thanks, Fishman. I somehow missed this comment the other day. I’m definitely not worried it had anything to do with the vaccine. It’s much more likely it’s from actually having Covid if it’s at all Covid related. What’s got me most worried is that it’s just because of my weight gain, unhealthy lifestyle the last few years. And of course the sneaking ear worm that it’s something worse (autoimmune, cancer, current heart disease, etc). I spoke with my doctor again and she spoke with her colleague who has been doing these tests for longer. He thinks I should repeat in 6-8 weeks instead of 3 months and that there’s a good chance it’s just Covid related. I’m not completely sold because my Covid bout was 2.5 months earlier. But I know it can cause longer term inflammation. So who knows!! For now I’m eating extremely healthy and getting out for walks and hopefully after the next test it will be down!

It’s just such a new and uncommon test there’s no one for me to really talk to about it because it’s even new to my doctor (it’s a thing the concierge service she just joined does).