View Full Version : Kaleidoscope aura optical migraines

02-09-23, 15:02
I experienced my 2nd kaleidoscope aura today. The first time I was absolutely petrified. This time I knew what it was, still scary though. I laid on the bed with my eyes closed until it passed. I think it was triggered by direct sunlight but can't be sure.
I was wondering what do you do if you are out and it happens? Or worse still, when you are driving.

02-09-23, 16:06
As you may remember I’ve had a couple of these. I had them both while watching the TV. I don’t know whether that’s important or not.

The kaleidoscope effect is on the edge of my vision but the blind spot can be anywhere. So I imagine that would be a problem driving. I just generally sit it out. Continue watching the TV or messing on the iPad. It lasts about 20 minutes, so perhaps pulling over may be wise until that blind spot goes.

02-09-23, 16:49
Bright lights are always a trigger for mine.

I don't drive, but I've had a few while out and about - on the bus or in a restaurant. Normally I just try to wait them out, it's not ideal but it's all you can do.

When you've had a few of them you get to feel the rhythm of how they progress, and tracking that can be quite soothing.

02-09-23, 17:38
Darksky I've had them on the edge when watching TV when the sun has bounced off of the screen and didn't think much of it at the time. I thought it was another anxiety symptom.
The two I've had in the last couple of years have been over my complete sight and actually distorts everything I look at. Because I already had one I knew what it was but it doesn't make it less scary.

BlueIris, bright lights seem to my trigger too. Both times through glass and sunlight.
How on earth do you manage it a restaurant and eat Beck I could barely see for the kaleidoscope and distortion.
You are right about waiting them out, there's not much more you can do.

02-09-23, 18:03
It was a very posh restaurant, Carnation, and I really didn't want my 20th anniversary to be ruined. Luckily it had mostly worn off by the time the food arrived.

02-09-23, 18:45
What timing BlueIris.

03-09-23, 15:17
Hi Carn, I've had these on and off for around 15 years. No idea what triggers them. I can go months without having one, then maybe have 1 every other week for a bit. I've only had 4 this year I think. I have also had an episode where I had two in a row, and that was a bit scary as that's never happened before.

No idea what triggers them for me. I've had one as I wake up in the morning - could literally see it before opening my eyes! I've had one come on in the middle of a football match, and another while driving. It just seems completely random. Sometimes I get like a headache/mild migraine after but not often.

They started first for me when I began working with computers on a daily basis.

03-09-23, 20:13
Mr Lurcher it seems bright lights may be the trigger.
Do they get easier to handle with time?

03-09-23, 22:08
Mr Lurcher it seems bright lights may be the trigger.
Do they get easier to handle with time?

Yeah, they don't bother me much now, you do get used to them. I've driven while having one and carried on playing football when it happened! The football one worried me a bit because I took a bang to the head and it happened shortly after. But probably unrelated as it passed like usual.

Obviously when it happened the first time (in work) I freaked out big time, and almost told my boss I was having a stroke or something!

04-09-23, 01:08
Hello. I get these fairly regularly for me they start right in the center if my eye and work their way out in like a c shape. I drive a lot for work so once I notice the wriggle in the middle of my eye I look for a safe place to stop and wait it out. Normally takes about 20 mins and then I carry on a normal. I no idea what triggers them as I can wake up with them. They are really scary the first time they happen but lucky for me I was out shopping when one happened early on and I went into an optometrist who looked at me there and then who explained what they were. You just learn to live with them.

04-09-23, 08:36
Obviously when it happened the first time (in work) I freaked out big time, and almost told my boss I was having a stroke or something!

I thought the same Mr lurcher. The first one was very frightening. :ohmy:

Thanks Piddy for replying. You explained them just as I had them.
I've since found out my cousin gets them too and she says it's some comfort to cover your eyes with your hands.

04-09-23, 16:19
Yes glare or bright lights are my triggers. Sometimes high stress.
I tend to sit or lay until it passes. If I don’t it gets worse x

04-09-23, 18:02
I've become very wary of bright lights since Scass.
I went out today and I was so nervous about getting one when I was out. Its hard enough having one at home where you can be alone and sit or lay in comfort.
I was a bag nerves today.

16-09-23, 18:39
Again today. I was in a shop and had so many floaters and when I looked in the shop mirror I think it wasn't cleaned properly and had some smudges and thought "oh no, I hope I'm not getting one here". I didn't want to rush out of the shop but I was certainly intent on getting home. I drove back calmly and waited for something to happen. I'm still on tender hooks an hour after and nothing as yet.
I've had sinus pain today, eye socket, back of the ear, head, so that didn't help.
How do suffers cope with these migraine aura things?
Does anyone take medication?
It's a learning curve for me.

16-09-23, 18:53
Honestly, you do get used to them but it can take a while.

16-09-23, 19:16
It's now become a fear of having one BlueIris.
When out, what do you do. Both times my vision went obscured and everything resembles a Picasso painting. :scared15:

16-09-23, 19:29
I mostly just find somewhere to sit down and wait it out. You can usually peer around them to get to somewhere quiet.

16-09-23, 20:00
Thanks BlueIris x

28-10-23, 14:58
Here's a new one for me...

I closed my eyes for a short while, I don't think I fell asleep but I could of. Anyway shortly after I closed my eyes again I saw visuals of miniature pink flying pigs and a girl waving to me in the background. So a bit spooked by it I opened my eyes again and sight was fine. I closed my eyes again to check I wasn't going mad and nothing, just darkness. I told Mr C and he pulled a face like I was weird or something.
I have been obsessing over my eyes recently after a migraine aura brought on by a bright light, but that's my assumption of it. I get those blobs in my eyes if I catch the sun in my eye line and now it seems I can see stuff to my left and right quite clearly even though I'm looking at something in front of me. It's like my eyes are on guard.
I can't bear ironing Mr C's stripey shirts because it becomes one big blur. But I've had that for some time.
All that I can sort of cope with but a bit concerned about the vision I had when opening and closing my eyes. I'm testing myself sight constantly. And yes, eye test was all ok. Just wondered if anyone else had something similar to stop me feeling like I'm going mad.
Wondering if it's some sort of aura...

28-10-23, 18:56
Hi Carnation, I know I shouldn’t but I chuckled when I read that, pink flying pigs and a girl waving, if I didn’t know better I would have said put more water with your drink next time..:roflmao:

But I think you actually nodded off and was dreaming, even if it was only a short nap...that’s why everything was normal after,..I’ve occasionally shut my eyes and seen faces appear in the darkness mostly I don’t know who they are, but I deliberately try and see them now, So if your going mad so am I, we’ll both go round the bend together :wacko::wacko: xxx

28-10-23, 20:01
Now I've had time to think about it, I think I did nod off.
Lol, I feel silly now. Thanks YNWA :hugs: