View Full Version : reading NDEs really helped with my health anxiety

03-09-23, 15:33
Health anxiety is basically anxiety about death, right? If death isn't a bad thing, then there's not much reason to have health anxiety. Reading near-death experiences have really helped with my health anxiety.

I'm not a religious person, I'm skeptical and atheistic by nature, but there's enough evidence out there to make NDEs *really* compelling and fascinating. They happen when brain function is zero, people see things that later check out to be accurate, things they couldn't have known unless they were seeing while they were clinically dead. The most compelling bit of evidence for me is that people of all ages, from all different cultures and religions, have NDEs that are remarkably similar. Sure, your religion may impact your NDE a bit, but doesn't drastically change the content. Also, people who have never heard of NDEs, like small children, have the same experiences; prior to 1975 when the book Life After Life was published, no one knew about NDEs, and tens of thousands of people had the same experiences. Also, almost everybody who has these experiences comes out of them radically changed for good. They have personality changes, become more compassionate, often start doing some kind of humanitarian work, start to believe in God if they hadn't already, no longer fear death, feel incredibly peaceful and happy-- and this change is not temporary, it's a substantial shift.

I suggest you check out this website:


There are also numerous books on the topic. One of the most poignant and beautiful books that discusses NDEs in one chapter is The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who wrote On Death and Dying.

In addition to a history of health anxiety, I'm now facing a real health problem that has the potential for life-threatening complications if not healed soon. But surprisingly, my anxiety is not that bad, thanks to meditation, spirituality, and now thanks to NDEs. My view on death has radically changed after reading these things. I don't know how I would feel if I was actually diagnosed with cancer or something, but right now I feel that I don't especially fear death. It makes me happy to know that while I'll likely never have a real NDE, I'm guaranteed to have this amazing experience when I actually do die. And it also makes me happy when I think about my loved ones who have died and had this experience, and maybe are still having it.