View Full Version : Nervous that I got bit by a bat and don't know what to do.

03-09-23, 16:03
I spent a few minutes standing on my balcony last night because the weather was nice, and when I came inside and was getting ready to take a shower, I noticed that I had what appeared to be some sort of small cut on me. I didn't notice it because of any sudden pain, but because I just happened to see it. This cut is on an area of skin that was exposed when I was outside, which is the main reason why I'm concerned. I shaved the area where the cut is earlier in the day, so it's possible it is a nick from the razor, but I figured I would've noticed it when it happened or soon after. I didn't see or hear any bats when I was outside and definitely didn't feel one land on me, but I'm concerned that I was bit by one and didn't notice. I've thought about going to the ER to ask about getting the rabies vaccine, but I'm not sure if this would be overkill.

03-09-23, 16:51
It would. You cut yourself shaving.

03-09-23, 18:23
So you actually weren't bit by a bat? Too bad, you could've become the new Batman