View Full Version : Back again (abdominal issue) and I just need a hug :(

04-09-23, 09:59
Been a while since I posted on here... I've been doing a decent job of keeping my HA under control.

A few days ago I experienced bloating, and a pinching/cramping feeling in my upper right abdomen, which wasn't excruciating but was enough to wake me up through the night.

Bloating has mostly subsided, but I still have an uncomfortable feeling on my right side and mild lower back pain. I spoke with an out of hours GP via NHS 111 over the weekend, who said it sounded like potential gallstones and to contact my regular GP for a referral.

Logically, I know this makes sense, and gallstones are totally treatable/not life threatening. I've contacted my GP via their online consultation form as I couldn't get through by phone (boooo). But I'm feeling tired and a bit dizzy because I've only been eating plain crackers and toast to avoid flaring up again, and my sleep has been disrupted. So the intrusive thoughts are back, oscillating between pancreatic, gallbladder and ovarian cancer. Particularly since the pain hasn't completely gone away, although it's very mild now... my mind keeps returning to the fact that gallbladder cancer pain supposedly feels like a "dragging" sensation on the right side, which is not unlike what I'm experiencing.

I know all too well that the odds of my having any of these conditions are slim. But I'm tired and weepy and not thinking straight. I also have a small red (painless) rash over the affected area, which is probably a sweat rash because I've been sweating a lot at night, but because it's unexpected it's making me uneasy.

I actually suspect that I might be beginning perimenopause - I'm only 38 but apparently that's when it started for my mum too. Irregular periods, increased general anxiety despite being on Sertraline, and various other signs. Apparently gallbladder problems are especially common during peri?

Anyway I just needed to get all this out. Trying not to think about my daughter having to grow up without me. Send hugs, please?

04-09-23, 13:40

04-09-23, 14:30
Seems like a very mild symptom and it's only been happening a short time. I'm 100% sure you're fine.

04-09-23, 14:37
Update: my GP thinks I have shingles? Location of the rash means I've been experiencing pain from that, not from gallbladder.

He's ordered a non-urgent abdominal ultrasound to rule out gallstones comply, plus blood tests since I explained possible perimenopause signs.

Obviously shingles is a much better (if annoying) outcome than any of the worst case scenarios I'd been battling. Now I'm trying to just accept the diagnosis and not go into a spiral thinking about why I might have shingles in my 30s, undiagnosed lymphoma blah blah.

(Would love to know if anyone else had shingles at a relatively young age, without a known underlying cause or immune problem)

04-09-23, 16:17
Have you been ill or run down lately? I had shingles when I was really run down. I had it on my right side & there was a rash which started off by hurting/itching, but if I scratched it it was sore. Then the blisters came out a day or two later. I remember it made me really tired & it was sore and it lasted about a week but I can’t remember much else.
You can get shingles anywhere, and you don’t have to be old or sick. Sometimes it’s just stress.
Hope you feel better soon.

04-09-23, 16:57
Definitely not been getting enough sleep, entirely my own fault. Busy at work and running around after a toddler, but I wouldn't say I've been unusually stressed.

05-09-23, 07:38
As soon as I read your first post I immediately thought "shingles" because that's exactly what I experienced before my rash appeared.
Shingles can affect anyone, at any age. I'm in my 60's, but my daughter in law who is only in her very early 30's (and a qualified doctor herself!) had shingles last year! It doesn't mean there are any underlying health issues, it's extremely common and although it can be painful and make you feel like you have the flu, you don't need to worry about it being caused by something sinister. Sending you a big hug! Xxx