View Full Version : Scared of getting a haircut, yoga etc

07-09-23, 19:37
Ever since I learned about, I've been terrified. What I am talking about is that hyperextension of the neck can cause a stroke. This has caused me significant fear of doing simple things like going to cut my hair because I am terrified that washing my hair in the sink there might make me get a stroke. How worried should I even be about this? It feels like cases of this are everywhere on Google, but I'm not sure...

07-09-23, 19:42
Okay, I can maybe help out on the haircut thing. I work in further education and have produced training materials for student hairdressers.

They are taught about this risk, and how to position the basins to avoid it, I've seen the textbooks.

07-09-23, 20:15
How common is this? :S Also, I am not sure if my hairdressers education included this important detail...

26-09-23, 01:10
It's extremely, extremely uncommon. I've heard about it from one of those news stories, but it's not something we see, ever, at emergency units. Actually, it's quite unheard of in the actual medical workfield (I'm a senior med student). Trained or not-trained hairdressers - you're many times more likely to get hit by lightning (actually looked this up).