View Full Version : Has anyone had this?

28-11-07, 18:06

i know mabe i am being silly and panicy over nothing

i have had a pain under my left rib for 4/5 days now it is there most the time and just wont go away somtimes feels like a burning to , i just have no idea what it is i thought it was getting better but then today just as bad agane
i have done a search o google and came up with all sorts...gall bladder probs ....colon.....and the list went on lol i dont even know what is around that area under my ribs lol:blush:

anyway as you can probs tell i am panicy about it and thinking all sorts so if anyone may know what it could be PLEASE help :)

thanks jodie xxxx

28-11-07, 19:40
Hi Jodie

I sounds to me like it could be trapped wind, i have had this pain before under my ribs which as lasted a few days and also been worse when i bent down. I wouldnt worry hun, try some gaviscon or rennies to see if it will help.

And please dont google!:winks:


28-11-07, 21:19
hi honeybee

i know i was trying to think that is was just that but you know what health anx is like i have been thinking all sorts hun and it is not under both ribs just left one and going down that side if my tummy to :wacko:
i will see how it is for the next few days and mabe go to docs

jodie xxxx

28-11-07, 21:53
Chances are it is nothing. I have a pain under my right ribs and have been through a ton of testing. It looks like it was pancreatitis. With that though it normally hurts on the left more than the right. If you are not vomitting etc I imagine its nothing.

29-11-07, 00:19
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_12_133.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZN) aww jodie sorryyou are feeling poorly hun. as andrea said it could be trapped gas. i m sure its nothing serious. i know its hard for us to think rational with anxiety. but you will be ok hun
love debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb095&pp=ZN (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb095_ZN&utm_id=7923)

29-11-07, 09:11
jodie , maybe you have inflamation o the ribs ?
I get this because my ribs are fused together , but some peopel get it if they cough and strain the ribs or excersize can trigger it.
Does it feel like your ribs or your inners ?

29-11-07, 09:17
thanks andrea,alison,deb,

mirry it started one night just i was just sat at the pc it feels like my botton rib is sore and the pain is also my inners to i havent had a cold or been running ect for a few weks now so its not that i just have no idea what it is it kinda go,s into my sid eand back to :shrug:

thanks for your replys :hugs:

jodie xxx

29-11-07, 09:23
does sound like what i get , when the rib gets inflamed , the inflamation can effect the tissues surounding it. For example sometimes I get a sore breast when its my rib thats the problem. Also you do get a burning sensation with inflamation of the ribs (its very painful).
How about trying a anti inflamatory pill ?

the official name for it is .........


29-11-07, 09:29
mirry can you just get this for no reason ?

and yes i have been gettiing a burning feeling with it and the pain is bad at times

aww thanks mate you have made me feel better :yesyes:
do i need to go to doctors with it or will it just go

jodie xxxx

29-11-07, 09:42
well as I am no doctor , I have to say go to your gp :shrug: .

But try this test , stand with legs apart and with your right hand reach down by your side and touch your right ankle, then do the same for your left.
Does it hurt ?

Then whilst laying down do a sit up , does it hurt ?

Then lay down on your back and touch your ribs where the pain is , does it feel tender ? almost like a bruise feeling ?

This is usually a good indicator if its your ribs .

Either way , your gp will give you some good pills to stop the inflamation.

29-11-07, 09:48
well mirry yes yes and yes lol

they all do hurt hun it dose feel very tender around my rib and mabe more under it allso on my tummy i will se how is go,s if it dont get better in the next few days i will go see the doc

thank you

jodie x:hugs: x

29-11-07, 11:10
just another thought , the cold weather can bring this on , have you been cold ?

29-11-07, 11:37
well we have had soome cold days the last few weeks but i have never had this beofor right now it is not to bad just in my sid enow more than my rib :shrug: but it did this the other day then came bk realy bad i am goign to go se the doc tomoz if it is no better

jodie xxx

29-11-07, 11:59
It could well be just one of those things - I've had something very similar to what you describe for years, like an odd pain under the left side of my ribs (towards the middle) that comes back every now and then.

I really worried about it at first, but I decided in the end that it's probably something muscular. Still don't know what brings it back, but I've had it for long enough that I can finally think, 'well if it was really bad there would surely have been some other symptoms by now'. Hopefully yours will be the same - just something annoying that pops up randomly from time to time but isn't worth losing any sleep over. HTH.

:) :)

29-11-07, 23:26
Hi Jodie Hun

I also have this and on the left side. I can sometimes have it for a couple of weeks or more then others. Sometimes the burning can be really intense. I did go off to the doctors a while ago and they were not concerned. I find sitting with a wheatbag against it helps.

Hope you feel better hun, you're such a star and have helped me so much.

PM me if you would like

luv Tracy

29-11-07, 23:30
I just re read my reply and missed something off. Meant to say i can have this pain for a couple of weeks or more then other times not have it for a while.

luv Tracy