View Full Version : Headaches: Sinuses, Tension or tumour?

08-09-23, 20:40
Hi everyone....It's been a long while since I posted here. My HA has been gone for some time but lately came back with a vengeance. My issue right now is daily headaches and head pressure. The headaches are usually across my forehead and above my right eye. Last month I was suffering from vertigo. A vestibular assessment determined I had positional vertigo which had apparently resolved on its own. I do still get a little dizzy when I lie flat on my back, but it is not as severe as it was last month. Anyway, my headaches have been daily now for about 2 weeks. My dr did complete bloodwork and an ekg. Those all were normal, with the exception of my thyroid being a little off. I've been hypothyroid for years. The thyroid results weren't enough to change my meds or cause my issues according to the dr. The dr has also requested a CT scan, I'm currently waiting for a letter letting me know when I will go for it.
I don't know if this is all sinus related, tension, eye strain or a tumour. My HA is obviously telling me its a tumour, although if it was I'm sure there would be more signs and it wouldn't just be some forehead pain and pressure. Tylenol and other OTC headaches meds aren't helping. I'm taking sinus meds every day which haven't seemed to do much either. Today I went for a massage on my neck and upper back. This loosened up a stiff neck and back, but I still have the headache. Anyway thank you for listening and for any help you can offer. I'm stuck waiting for the CT now and hoping the headache will go away. As I said my HA is telling me the worst, it's a tumour. It's hard to be dealing with this again after having my HA be gone for so long.

10-09-23, 01:15
Wow. This site is a lot less active than I remember. Not one comment.

10-09-23, 20:17
I've had something similar for the last few months. I don't get true headaches, but head pressure and dizziness. It started after I had Covid in May and since my doctor and I have sort of assumed it's a combo of Covid inflammation, anxiety, and probably also sinuses because it's allergy season. She also diagnosed me with benign positional vertigo and did the Epley Maneuver, which really helped. Over the last month or so the symptoms almost totally subsided. Then, the last two weeks my anxiety has been higher AND my allergies have been worse and the dizziness came back. I find that taking an ativan helps the dizziness, which points to anxiety. But, today, instead I took an allergy pill and that also helped haha. I think it's really kind of a combo of things.

10-09-23, 20:51
ty for replying ErinKC. I'm hoping the CT will be clear whenever I get to go for it. With luck I'll get a letter with my appointment date this week. I am seeing my dr on Friday for my annual physical. I'll discuss this all with him and maybe he'll send me to an ENT. My mind of course is still telling me that I have a brain tumour. I really hope not, but I'm pretty convinced of it. Again thank you for responding. It's appreciated and really helpful!!

14-09-23, 14:06
So here we are 3 weeks since my dr requested a ct scan of my head. No word yet as to when I’m going. Headaches continue along with neck pain and tinnitus. Getting very very worried. The longer this goes on the more I fear a brain tumour.

16-09-23, 21:19
Saw my dr yesterday for my annual physical. He says he will see about sending me to an ENT once the ct scan has been done. He also sent me for a neck X-ray. I’ll get the results on Friday. Headache is still there today. Tho ringing in my ear is always there. I’m really worried that this is a brain tumour. I realize I’ll get no responses to this, not sure why the site has become so inactive and more like a journaling site as opposed to a support site.

16-09-23, 21:23
Because the people offering support are getting burned out, Angrry. It's tough to help people who don't necessarily want to help themselves, especially when we're all dealing with our own anxieties.

21-09-23, 22:43
Saw my dr yesterday for my annual physical. He says he will see about sending me to an ENT once the ct scan has been done. He also sent me for a neck X-ray. I’ll get the results on Friday. Headache is still there today. Tho ringing in my ear is always there. I’m really worried that this is a brain tumour. I realize I’ll get no responses to this, not sure why the site has become so inactive and more like a journaling site as opposed to a support site.

I know how you feel so that’s why I try to reply to people on here when I can (don’t check the health anxiety part much anymore though)

Did your doctor do a neurological exam? Mine did some stuff where she shined a torch in my eyes, tapped my face, made me follow her finger etc. she said if you have a tumour you fail at least one of them. Not sure if that’s true or she was just reassuring me but something to consider.

21-09-23, 22:46
I’ll also add I’m happy your doctors are actually listening to you and sending you for tests mine just go “it’s anxiety bye” without even considering there might be an underlying health condition causing the anxiety and doing scans. Not that I’m saying that’s you, I’m sure it’s just anxiety but I just wanted to rant.

22-09-23, 17:49
ty Kitkat. I really appreciate the reply. neuro tests were done, and everything appeared to ok. I have been going for massages, everything in the right side of my neck is very tight, including my jaw. I saw my dr today and got the results of a neck xray he sent me for last week. I have mild arthritis. I asked him about the ct and he was surprised I haven't been given a date for it yet. He re-faxed the request, hopefully I hear something soon.

01-10-23, 18:16
hi..hope everyone is doing ok.....I'm still here, headaches and neck pain continue. It has now been 5 weeks since my dr requested the ct scan....still nothing....getting harder and harder to keep the fear of a BT at bay....not a lot i can do tho....fingers crossed i get my appointment date this week

09-10-23, 16:33
Hello again everyone. Well its coming up on 7 weeks since my dr first requested the ct scan and 3 weeks since he sent the 2nd request. Still no appointment date. Neck and head pain still there. Tinnitus almost constant. Some occasional pain in my right ear. This is the same side as much of my neck and head pain. Really terrified this is a brain tumour. I know no one is a dr here but wouldn’t it be likely that if this was a tumour that after approx 8 weeks the symptoms would be increasing and there would be more starting, like vision,speech or balance problems? Any support is appreciated. Thx everyone.

10-10-23, 04:09
Hello again everyone. Well its coming up on 7 weeks since my dr first requested the ct scan and 3 weeks since he sent the 2nd request. Still no appointment date. Neck and head pain still there. Tinnitus almost constant. Some occasional pain in my right ear. This is the same side as much of my neck and head pain. Really terrified this is a brain tumour. I know no one is a dr here but wouldn’t it be likely that if this was a tumour that after approx 8 weeks the symptoms would be increasing and there would be more starting, like vision,speech or balance problems? Any support is appreciated. Thx everyone.

Maybe it’s tension headache, or even migraine? I used to have tension/pressure over my forehead too and looking at things, it felt like my eyes were sluggish to catch up. I was constantly dizzy too. It ended up being vestibular migraine.This happened after a bout of vertigo too. I’ve always had vertigo and usually it would resolve eventually or after I took meds, but that time was different. I also have tinnitus, worse in some setting.

If they’ve reviewed your file and still haven’t given a date yet, it’s likely that they didn’t see anything concerning which is a good thing. Meanwhile, how about seeing an ENT first? They could check if your ears have fluid.

10-10-23, 11:59
Maybe it’s tension headache, or even migraine? I used to have tension/pressure over my forehead too and looking at things, it felt like my eyes were sluggish to catch up. I was constantly dizzy too. It ended up being vestibular migraine.This happened after a bout of vertigo too. I’ve always had vertigo and usually it would resolve eventually or after I took meds, but that time was different. I also have tinnitus, worse in some setting.

If they’ve reviewed your file and still haven’t given a date yet, it’s likely that they didn’t see anything concerning which is a good thing. Meanwhile, how about seeing an ENT first? They could check if your ears have fluid.

hi eevee....thank you for your response....my dr has said he will consider an ENT once the ct is done. Here we need a referral to an ENT and cant just make an appt ourselves. I'll continue going for massages on my neck, I'd go for physiotherapy but my coverage has run out for the year. I'd try a chiropractor, however I'm not sure I trust them working on the neck area. I really am very afraid that I have a brain tumour, but I guess we'll see, if i ever get to go for the ct. I'll give it a few more days and call my dr back to let him know I still dont have an appt. Thx again for your reply eevee, it really mean a lot that you took the time to respond. take care.

11-10-23, 03:11
I went through the same thing 2 years ago. Daily headaches, neck pain, occasionally it made me feel nauseous. It wasn't a severe headache but it was constant ( only eased off during the night) and same as you over the counter pain meds didn't really help so I didn't bother with them after a while because I didn't want to add to it by getting rebound headaches. My doctor just put it down to chronic tension headaches. She said I didn't have any "red flags" so no need for scan. I was worried about tumours like you especially because I rarely had headaches in the past. It hung around for 4 months and then went away. Now I get it on and off around hormonal times so doctor said it is probably perimenopause related. Apparently it's very rare for a headache to be a tumour sign without other symptoms.

11-10-23, 11:31
I went through the same thing 2 years ago. Daily headaches, neck pain, occasionally it made me feel nauseous. It wasn't a severe headache but it was constant ( only eased off during the night) and same as you over the counter pain meds didn't really help so I didn't bother with them after a while because I didn't want to add to it by getting rebound headaches. My doctor just put it down to chronic tension headaches. She said I didn't have any "red flags" so no need for scan. I was worried about tumours like you especially because I rarely had headaches in the past. It hung around for 4 months and then went away. Now I get it on and off around hormonal times so doctor said it is probably perimenopause related. Apparently it's very rare for a headache to be a tumour sign without other symptoms.

ty alpacagirl....i hope thats the case that it's tension headaches. Did you get ringing in your ears with the headaches and neck pain? I have it pretty much constantly now.

12-10-23, 03:40
I didn't have ringing in ears but a lot of pain down into my neck and upper shoulders (still have neck pain now). I did see a physio but didn't help unfortunately.

12-10-23, 15:51
I didn't have ringing in ears but a lot of pain down into my neck and upper shoulders (still have neck pain now). I did see a physio but didn't help unfortunately.

ty alpacagirl....yesterday wasnt a bad day....headache and neck pain went away for a few hours...came back in the evening tho...today its all pretty sore. i'll check the mail later to see if I finally get my CT appt. Not holding my breath though. i'll try some heat on my neck and see if that helps any. From what I've read this could all be SCM, TMJ or other muscle related referred pain. My mind still tries to tell me it's a brain tumour tho. With luck others here have had similar issues and can weigh in with anything that helped them relieve this problem.

17-10-23, 22:58
well...2 months after my dr requested it. I finally received my ct date. Next Wednesday at 6:55am....Thinking positively and keeping my fingers crossed.

18-10-23, 12:46
I used to get similar headaches daily, think it had something to do with my neck muscles tbh. I also have tmj which causes issues with face pain.

24-12-23, 15:00
Can I ask how your CT went please? I had one beginning of December with contrast but have heard nothing, GP practice says its nothing to do with them, ENT at hospital (who sent me for it) haven't communicated and I can't get any answer from secretaries.....its worrying. Hope you got answers and are feeling much better

08-02-24, 14:36
Whenever I experience a delay in response from doctors, I try to reassure myself by thinking "no news is good news" - have either of you had any news from your doctors?