View Full Version : Migraine auras

10-09-23, 20:29
Bit frustrated with myself. Got new glasses today after well over 20 years with the old ones. Wore them for about 6 hours then had 3 migraine auras, one after the other. Was fine with the first one, nervy on the second and outright panicked by the 3rd. Thought there was a 4th coming and rang 111, who of course recommended a call back because this is what they do.

I now don't want to go through the hassle of an NHS interrogation waking me up in the middle of the night on a work night, and to cap it all the blasted headache has now kicked in.

I feel bad for wasting time, but I've asked my husband to try and put them off.

10-09-23, 21:44
Have they strengthened your lenses?

10-09-23, 21:52
You were not wasting their time, you thought it was the right thing to do at the time.
Can you wear your old glasses tomorrow if you go to work?

10-09-23, 23:17
Hi BI, I remember when you reassured me on here when I had my first double migraine aura, which made me panic. I'm sure this is the same scenario, nothing to worry about, although I know that it must have been scary (I know I'd have reacted the same way as you). Have they settled now? It must be related to your new specs.

10-09-23, 23:29
Wearing you old glasses is a good idea for work tomorrow. Can you ring the opticians tomorrow? I think as it’s your first new pair for 20 years, it’s probably the new lenses that’s doing it. Are the glasses perfectly level on your face? Even slightly off can affect things.

11-09-23, 05:09
After 3 auras (and me taking my glasses off entirely to rest my eyes) everything resolved, although the headache did hit a couple of hours later and hasn't entirely gone away yet.

I was asleep by the time 111 rang back, my husband picked up and apparently it wasn't a big deal, they just asked if I still wanted further evaluation. From experience, if they're worried about something being wrong they'll push a lot harder.

I was warned by the optician when I picked up the new prescription that it would be hard at first, and to give it 2 weeks and then get back to them.

If I get another weird migraine will ring the GP and ask for propranolol, since that's helped in the past.

11-09-23, 05:10
Also, thanks so much for the reassurance, I'm really grateful as always.

11-09-23, 09:28
My mum had this with a new pair of glasses.
I also see a rainbow out of the corner of my left eye when I wear my new glasses. It's so distracting I've gone back to my old ones.
Pleased you are ok BlueIris. You handled it brilliantly. x

11-09-23, 09:32
Thanks, Carnation. In work now and doing okay.

11-09-23, 09:37
Hi Blue...

I have migraine auras too, and the last new pair of glasses I got made my eyes and head feel all funny, I did go back to the opticians who checked them and the lenses weren’t right, so they altered them....made no bloody difference, not a cat in hells chance could I wear them, so I went back to my old pair...
I agree with Carnation, you handled it brilliantly xxxx

11-09-23, 09:41
Hope you don't mind me asking, YNWA, but would you freak out over an aura that lasted a bit over an hour? It was 3 separate auras and it did completely go afterwards. I'm not anxious to get on the testing train when 1) there's a really obvious cause and 2) I'm clearly not having a stroke.

11-09-23, 10:03
I would have freaked out BlueIris because the usual time for an aura is around 20 minutes. And normally just the one. But I have heard people have 2 connecting ones and they were ok.
I've been looking into these auras a bit lately as I had one not too long ago. There might be a connection with light and glass causing a rainbow affect in the vision.
I also found that it is not stroke related. Which I know is a worry to some when they are having one.
The strange thing is my vision is so clear after it has passed, as if its been rejuvenated.
I was a bit shaky for several days after, more of case of anticipating a reoccurrence.
They are not pleasant even when you know what it is.

11-09-23, 10:05
Hi blue, yes I would, I lost it when it lasted only 20 minutes, it’s scared the crap out of me, but I know what they are now...maybe your anxiety went up which didn’t help...xxx

11-09-23, 10:38
I think so, YNWA.

I've had 2 consecutive ones before, and I do tend to get weird ones when I'm under a lot of stress.