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28-11-07, 19:14
All i can describe it as is when you have used a garden strimmer and you've put it down yet your arms still can feel the vibrations. That is the feeling i have in my entire body.

Anyone else...

miss motown
28-11-07, 21:35
oh blue bell i used to get that quite alot i remember going to my gp and describing it as a buzzing sensation thru my whole body she used to say its anxiety ur i must be holding my self stiff without realising it and when you relax your body feels all sensations going back to normal do u tense your shoulders ur your body without you knowing it it might well be that

28-11-07, 21:48
I've woken up like it so i don't know if i have been tense or not in the night. Ugh...it's horrible. I can feel now my body buzzing. All flipping day today!