View Full Version : Vigorous shaking after nap?

28-11-07, 19:31
Hello, i have had this before but not for a long time and had forgotten about it to be honest. But i had a little doze on the chair whilst watching tv earlier and when i woke up i was shaking all over very vigorously. It was completely involuntary and i was not cold or over hot. I got up to go the loo and was the usual 'fuzzy headed' and 'jelly legges' but nothing new there and did feel spaced out which is another usual for me. The shaking did stop after a while and i was ok again, but nervous then and curious, as i have had this before, as to why it happens and if anyone else has this. It is a nasty experience and played on my mind for a while, but it was just the after effects in my memory i think.
Anyone have any answers please?x

18-12-07, 16:47
It's your mind and body reacting to your focus on the "fuzzy head" and "jelly legs" you have a lot of energy stored up after a nap and those thoughts are a mental trigger. I suggest next time when you wake up, get up right away don't sit in bed deciding if today again you'll have fuzzy head and jelly legs, and do something. Brush your teeth, read the paper, get something to eat. At first the symptoms will be there, but over time they will disappear if you learn to keep your focus on something else.

PS...A LOT of people wake up with a fuzzy head and jelly legs in the morning, but must just realize it's because they've just waken up and they go on with their day. It's paying attention to those symptoms that does not allow our brain to let go.