View Full Version : Persistent UTI’s and blood tests

20-09-23, 07:59
Haven’t posted in a while have been just trying to deal with stuff but going down the rabbit hole again been referred to a urologist as the UTI’s have been non stop since July had around ten courses of antibiotics and a scan which showed I am retaining urine my latest spiral is that last week the doctor said let’s get some bloods done including one for ovarian cancer so now I’m poking prodding googling overthinking anyone got any calming advice/thoughts

24-09-23, 08:07
I’m really bad this morning been up since four can’t quite my mind feel like I’m going insane please help

24-09-23, 08:55
Hello just seen this , I've had exactly the same some years ago had water infections for over a year and loads of antibiotics it used to go but a couple of days would come back, I was never sent for blood test in all that time and the c word was never mentioned no wonder your going out your mind I can't believe your doctor said that to be honest! So in the end my doctor sent me for a cystoscopy (not sure I've spelt that right) which is just a very small camera to have a look , all he found was an ulcer in my bladder nothing to worry about and gave me trimethoprim for a week then had to take half the tablet every night for 6 weeks as a precaution and never had a water infection again, he never said the ulcer was the reason could of been there years or could of been one of them things, I have some friends that have always got water infections that come and go , I also had blood in my urine at the time, I hope you get it sorted soon but I do know what your going through with the worry at the moment and your doctor hasn't helped with the blood test , let us know how you get on and hope this has helped a bit .

24-09-23, 09:35
I think this is what’s worrying me I’ve had this issue since March seen numerous doctors and nurses and no one suggested blood tests until the last one I saw he said he was just ticking boxes and ruling things out so I could get the right treatment I’ve had a bladder and kidney scan which showed nothing sinister but that I wasn’t emptying my bladder fully I felt ok after that that they knew what the issue was and that it would be treated then he mentions the c word and blood tests and I spiral out of control again thanks for replying x

24-09-23, 10:07
Well this is it all doctors work differently but that's at bit extreme I think, not emptying your bladder fully is a common reason for infections that was one of the first questions I was asked, perhaps this doctor wasn't very experienced in this field another doctor probably wouldn't send for blood tests for that reason, silly to say but try not to worry too much i know nothing will put your mind to rest till you get results but I've never heard of having a blood test for that for having recurring water infections I had them for over a year and never had a blood test , hope you start to feel better soon x

24-09-23, 11:07
Drinking cranberry juice helps x

24-09-23, 11:46
I think that has what’s started me spiralling has he spotted something that the other doctors didn’t and that’s why he’s asked for them x

24-09-23, 11:52
I very much doubt that, you had a scan and would have picked up anything else I think and to my knowledge doctors don't keep information from you they have to tell you, and I'm sure you would have other symptoms by now if it was anything nasty x

24-09-23, 12:16
Thankyou I did query him as to why he was doing the tests he said he was just ticking boxes to rule things out before I see the urologist and told me not to worry!!!!

24-09-23, 17:38
Well that was a bit unprofessional saying not to worry after saying that but would like to know how you get onx

24-09-23, 19:03
Exactly especially as I’d been in tears during the appointment because of the anxiety just saying you’ll be fine don’t worry just didn’t cut it. I will let you know if I manage to get them done I have another uti and have to go back on Tuesday bloods on Wednesday so am going to tell him how bad I’m feeling

25-09-23, 05:51
Another bad day already awake in panic mode from four I think I’m having a breakdown I don’t know what to do

25-09-23, 09:08
Can you possibly get an appointment with another doctor you can do that it's your right just to hear there opinion it will probably be completely different and will make you feel better that's what I've done in the past , and just tell them what the doctor has said is making you ill and need some reassuring you can't wait for blood tests and results, I would want to know why that doctor said what he did , I'm sure if you did it will make you feel better to talk to another doctor or if someone could ring up for you, I do feel for you x

25-09-23, 12:50
I saw another doctor today who tried hard to reassure me and said they were just ticking boxes and ruling out stuff before I see the urologist which didn’t really help anyways she did the bloods there and then and my urology appointment has been brought forward to Wednesday so now feeling as bad if not worse wishing I hadn’t let them do them my husband and daughter have missed work today as they didn’t want to leave me I’m just a mess

25-09-23, 18:56
There was still no need to mention the c word just should of sent you for blood tests and left it at that and doctors won't go against each other she may well of thought it was a bit extreme herself but wouldn't say, but your bloods are done now and brought appointment forward to get it over and done with because of the worry its given you but soon be over and done with and you will have your mind put at rest I'm sure, how nice you had your family with you today some doctors just don't realise the damage they can do it's just a job to them isn't it , I will be thinking of you and will wait to hear x

25-09-23, 21:24
Thank you so much yes I don’t understand that either why trigger me like that when he knows how anxious I am I have to keep telling myself that the bloods are done now and nothing I do can change the results hoping and praying for good news and a better day tomorrow thanks again for being there x

26-09-23, 03:56
Yes blood is done and soon be appointment as much as you don't want to go it's the only thing that's going to put your mind at rest , I'm like this with just a normal routine blood test I don't sleep and I'm on another planet till I get results it literally makes me ill so I completely know what your feeling like you just wish you can take your brain out just so you stop thinking for a while it's exhausting and debilitating but it sounds you have a lovely family who care about you and I'm sure there doing all they can to help you till this is out the way and sorted out x

26-09-23, 07:59
It’s so good to know that other people understand exactly what it’s like although I feel for each and every one of them. I had to resort to some propranolol during the night as it was so bad my husband has taken another day off so he will be with me when the bloods come back x

26-09-23, 10:21
Yes there's not a lot of people understand how this anxiety really feels unless you suffer with it but I'm so pleased you have your husband home with you again will help you a lot, don't worry about messaging back you have your lovely husband to look after you I will wait to hear when you have results x

26-09-23, 13:02
Thankyou so much got the bloods back apart from the cancer one which is the one I was most worried about receptionist said they can take a bit longer thankfully all the other ones were normal x so just more waiting now x

26-09-23, 13:34
Well that's good news and that's a start, I'm sure your blood count would have showed something not quite right , I hope you don't have to wait too much longer x

27-09-23, 07:33
Will be thinking of you today at your appointment wasn't sure if it was this Wednesday and if you prefer you can always pm me as well good luck x

29-09-23, 06:43
The cancer blood test was negative so relieved x

01-10-23, 16:26
Although my anxiety has t come down that much especially in the mornings I’m gutted by this still having intrusive thoughts as well