View Full Version : Health Anxiety is Real. I'd Love Your Opinion

21-09-23, 14:46
I suffered with health anxiety for 2 years after my cofounder died and my father went into ICU and no one thought he would live (he did). I went on a mission to calm my nerves through self-care and meditation. One of the things that made me feel better quickly was actually drinking kefir. Not sure about the science behind it but it appears my gut microbiome was very depleted which in turn heightened my anxiety. Claire Weekes books are also fantastic. Just remember, this too shall pass. I thought this is what the rest of my life was going to be like, but that is simply not the case. It is very hard to see the edge of the storm when you're in the eye.

I am now working to help bring support to those suffering and would love your opinions in my 3 minute survey. I'm not selling anything, I would just like to help people and understand what they would be comfortable with in terms of getting help. If you would like to help shape that, I would love to hear from you:


Thanks and best of luck in your journey to good mental health.