View Full Version : bladder cancer fear. flakes in urine

21-09-23, 19:05
So, for a couple of weeks now I have had a few episodes of flakes in my urine. Originally I dismissed these flakes as toilet debris, as I did not want to work myself into a panic.

this morning I had another flake along with something very small I was able to fish out. this object was hard but brittle and it crumbled under pressure. Felt like sand, or those things you get in your eyes when you wake up.

I went to the doc straigjtaway. She is pretty certain it was a kidney stone and the flakes were old blood from the kidney stones. I am waiting on a CT to confirm.

OF COURSE, I am thinking bladder cancer since painless hematuria is always bladder cancer on Dr. Google.

22-09-23, 16:06
bad news, the urologist called out sick today. so more time for me to think up catastrophic outcomes.