View Full Version : Constant fear of death all day

22-09-23, 15:05
All day I can’t get the thought out my head that I’m going to drop any minute. I’m now in a constant state of being on edge. Tense muscles, chocking feeling, tight chest. Even at the end of the day when I get all cosy in bed and put my favourite tv shows on I’m still a tense mess and can’t relax and get into them and end up giving up and going to sleep only to wake up in the morning worrying all over again.

I don’t know if I should try medication to reduce the intrusive thoughts? Is that how it works? Will it stop me thinking like this? I have never been on it before but I’m starting to feel like ripping my hair out over this.

22-09-23, 15:53
You should go to psychiatrist then they can prescribe you medicine if needed.

Also start telling yourself every minute that you were wrong because you didn't drop that in the past 60 seconds.

22-09-23, 17:47
Your GP can prescribe medication but it won't necessarily stop the thoughts. You have to keep dismissing the thoughts, every time. Until your brain gets the message.
Easy said than done but that's the answer.

22-09-23, 18:19
Thanks, I see whys the doctor says they think is the best course of action I guess. How exactly do you go about “dismissing” thoughts like this? As you said it’s easy said then done, is it just not giving power to them? Like accepting it and not dwelling on it.

22-09-23, 19:10
When a thought arises say "no" I'm not going there. Carry on with what you are doing.
Say anything that doesn't accept the thought.
Sometimes I laugh or think "that's ridiculous".
Even if some of the thoughts escape through, still try to do it as much as you can. Until the thoughts become less and less.

22-09-23, 19:45
Thanks I will give it ago while I wait for my doctors appointment.